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Two years ago

Pulling a frilly skirt up, and adjusting it to sit on his hips properly, Felix looked in the mirror. The wig he had picked out was in a half-up, half-down style, with bangs that fell over his forehead. He opened the lip gloss, which made a slick pop sound as it passed the stopper, and he coated his lips with the sheer pink tint, adding a plump and juicy look to his pout. He then took mascara and fluttered his eyes open and closed to coat his lashes. Finally, he put on some strapped heels, adding to his height.

'No one will recognize me like this.' He thought to himself. He needed a disguise, as his picture was posted in most stores around town, due to being caught prior. The night before he had painted his nails a pale blue, and planned out his route.

He'd go to the jewelry store, asking to try on necklaces and rings, to look nice for an event. Then, he'd ask to have a glance at some wrist watches, specifically the more expensive ones for his "boyfriend", and when it was least expected, he'd walk out with the items still on his body.

Next, he'd go across town to his favorite clothing store. He'd take a look around at their new seasonal trends, and pretend to be shopping for said "boyfriend" again, asking the store clerk for a different size in certain items which would make them go to the back room, where he would then stuff the clothing items in his purse and make his leave.

And finally, he'd go two towns over, to a pawn shop that was new to the area, and sell the jewelry off.

When he eventually had sold the jewelry and was leaving the shop, he heard groans coming from an alley. Curiosity got the better of him, and he followed the sound, coming up on a tall slender man, kicking the life out of some scruffy looking man, whose breathing was ragged. Blood was everywhere, and the sounds of bones cracking were ear piercing. And yet, he couldn't look away. Even when the tall, slim figured man faced him, and approached him soon after.

"Is he... dead?" Felix asked in his deep voice, as he had no reason to put on his higher voice for acting.

The man in front of him just cracked his knuckles, as he stared Felix up and down, a bit thrown by his voice. It didn't match the feminine appearance. "You should've just minded your own business, princess. I don't need no snitches." Hyunjin growled, raising his fist, getting ready to take care of the witness.

"That was... fascinating." Felix said in awe, eyes not diverting from the threat in front of him. "What does it feel like? Was that the first person you've killed?"

Truly baffled, Hyunjin froze in place. Was the cross dressed boy not scared of him? What kind of questions were those? Why did it feel like he was more impressed than terrified? "The hell is wrong with you? You're about to end up like him, I don't need any witnesses."

"Or! You don't hurt me. I just got a fat load of cash from the pawn shop, and we can split it." Felix offered, a sickening smile growing on his face.

"I don't want your money, bitch." Hyunjin spat, wrapping his hand around Felix's neck, squeezing tight, and lowering his voice to a dark tone. "You should be crying that you aren't gonna return home to see your mommy again."

Even in the grasp of the ruthless murderer, Felix just smirked. "You say that like I care about returning home. I don't." He said, tracing his hands up to grab onto Hyunjin's wrist, locking eyes. "You could use me, like the so-called little bitch you think I am. A lookout, someone who could make sure you never have another unwanted witness."

After a moment of confused silence, Hyunjin let go of the small boy, who barely had a reaction to his choking. "What kind of sick, twisted, mommy-issues person are you?"

"One who likes to break the rules. It's fun. It's more adrenaline than the tallest rollercoaster. It makes me feel alive."

The younger intrigued Hyunjin. Someone just as messed up as him? Someone with no regard to anyone else? It actually seemed interesting to Hyunjin, to have a buddy, one that wasn't scared of him. It would make things less lonely. "If I let you live, you're my bitch. You listen to me, and do whatever I say."

"Mkay. We should probably get out of here before anyone comes across Mr. Splat over there." Felix smiled, nudging to the dead man just a few feet from them. "Oh, also I kinda want to get dinner from that expensive steak restaurant on the corner."

"You're messed up in the head, bitch."

"Guess that makes two of us, bitch." Felix taunted.

As Hyunjin took the smaller boy up the stairs, he was led into the storage room of the abandoned motel. "They were supposed to demolish this place about three years ago, but the plans were postponed indefinitely by the city."

Felix just casually swung his takeaway of steak back and forth. He had purchased food for the two of them, and was now in a run-down location, that Hyunjin had turned into a hideout. "You never answered me back then. Was that the first person you've ever killed?"

Scoffing, Hyunjin looked at the weird boy. "No. Far from it. I went on a little spree when I escaped the mental institution."

The answer only sparked more curiosity for Felix. "You escaped a mental institution? What were you there for?"

"I'm a sociopath. They thought I was a danger to society because I find pleasure in inflicting pain. Heh, guess they weren't wrong." The older laughed as he spun his body around playfully.

"What does it feel like? Killing someone?"

Hyunjin let the question sit in his mind for a second, before walking over to Felix, who was unpacking the food on a makeshift table. He wrapped both of his hands around the younger's neck, tightening his grip, squeezing his eyes closed, and whispering as he processed the feeling. "Feeling them struggle under my hold is intoxicating. Their little pathetic gasps for air, or pleas for me to stop, music to my ears. Knowing I hold their fragile life in my hands, that power, that control, it's thrilling. It's a rush like no other, feeling their life fade away. Watching their vision go, their fight become weaker, the point they have nothing left and give in, going limp in my hold. It's.... exhilarating. I can't get enough of it. It's insatiable." Once he was able to put it into words, he released Felix's throat, and opened his eyes, seeing the imprints of his own fingers, and knowing they would bruise.

And yet, Felix just looked at him with fascination, as he caught his breath, and color returned to his face. "I want to feel that." He admitted.

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