Fragmented Memories

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⚠️ CSA/R ⚠️

There were the heavy footsteps again. The sound Minho dreaded most. "Master" was coming. The young boy felt his heart begin to pound out of his chest, and his stomach sink to the lowest pit. Minho quickly brushed the long hair of the wig to look up to standard, wanting to avoid punishment more than anything, splinters likely still embedded in his skin. When the door opened, the tall, powerful figure stepped inside and stopped the educational video on the TV that was too high for Minho to reach.

"Did you learn anything, babydoll?" The pet name making every part of Minho shiver.

'Answer. Answer or he will hurt you worse.' Minho's inner voice told himself.

Minho twirled his thumbs in his lap, as he was sat on his mattress on the floor. "Yes, master. Lots of words."

Master started to remove his suit jacket, tossing it on the small chair in Minho's room. "Good. I don't want a stupid bitch. The more you know, the better you listen, right Minho?"

"Yes, master." The small boy nodded, avoiding eye contact as much as possible.

A taunting laugh left the man as he knelt down and caressed Minho's face with his right hand. His left hand ---------------------------. "Stand up and ---- off --------------, dolly." He nodded, like he was convincing Minho it was okay. Minho knew it was never okay.

"I-- m-master... I still h-hurt." Minho pleaded, tears beginning to fill his eyes at the thought of what ----------------------------- meant. For the last few weeks his "master" would settle for ---- on the days in between, until Minho was able to handle --------- again. But just yesterday, Minho ----------------. The bleeding had yet to -------------------.

"I don't remember asking." Master stared with the most displeased look that Minho had ever seen, as he stood and towered over the little boy. "---- off ------------, Minho."

Standing on shaky legs, tears falling, and desperate sobs slipping out of his lips, Minho looked up at his Master, with eyes that just begged for mercy. "Master, I- I can give you ------ today." He offered, referring to ----, not knowing the real term.

The hesitancy to obey made his master furious. "I don't know what part you didn't understand," Master said, grabbing Minho by the hair of the wig and shoving him to the floor, his knees throbbing immediately from the impact. "But now you are going to bow down, and beg that I forgive you for being bad. If I don't think you mean that you are sorry, I will make sure you keep hurting."

On his knees, head lowered to the floor, and hands planted in front of him, Minho babbled sorry after sorry through sobs. "I'm sorry for being bad, please forgive me Master! I will be good!"

A sly smile grew on the man, watching the sight in front of him. "Hm, I guess I won't make you do both, ------------------. I'll just keep it ------- today, because I'm a nice master and I'm going to forgive you, but- bad dolls do have to get punished. Ten spanks. I'm going to leave to go get the ------, and when I come back, you better have --------------, or you will be in so much trouble. Do you understand, Minho?" The adult manipulated, using this as an opportunity to train Minho to believe worse could happen.

"Yes, master." Minho nodded frantically.

After the door opened and shut, and his master's footsteps began to fade into the distance, Minho rose from the floor and obeyed.

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