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It was deep in the middle of the night, and Seungmin was sitting alone in the main portion of the Racha hideout. His desk was lit with two small lamps, and other than that, it was pitch black. Notebooks, maps, and his phone sat in front of him as he bit on the clicker of the pen, trying to make his plans perfect. The hideout was chilly, as it didn't have any air conditioning or heat for the storage rooms. It was also peacefully quiet, giving him plenty of room to think. He wasn't one to listen to music when working, as he found it to be too distracting. That's why he was immediately alert of one of his other members leaving the closet that they had converted to the bedroom.

A sleepy Felix walked through the main room with a big blanket over him, around all their mini pathways they had made over time as they accumulated more stuff. His eyes were scrunched to shield from the only light in the room, finding it too bright in contrast. He yawned as he approached the desk, pulling a chair over to sit on next to Seungmin, as he tossed the blanket over to cover him as well, cuddling into his side, and using his shoulder as a pillow.

"Can't sleep?" Seungmin asked as he leaned his head over to lay on Felix's, carefully scanning over his notes once again.

"Nnhg," Felix sounded as a 'no', his deep voice noticeable even in just sounds, "You should be sleeping."

"I'm working." Seungmin softly said, being careful not to move too much as he wrote 'old shipping factory' down on his notepad.

Felix cuddled further into the other, wrapping his arm around to hug him. "Work tomorrow." He whined, wanting his friend to actually get some sleep.

Dropping his pen and bringing his arm to rest on top of Felix's wrapped around his torso, Seungmin hummed. "I'll come to bed soon, promise."

"I'm not gonna go back until you do." Felix huffed, finally opening his eyes just barely to see the plans in front of him. "What do you have so far?"

"So, my dear Lixie, I am going to have Namjoon get a friend to set up a drug deal near the 'whore store'. You are going to meet Lino there, dressed as you think best to be part of that side of town, and you are going to ask if he was the one looking for this Lee Hui Won person, that you know exactly where to look, but ask how much it is worth to him, make a deal of money, which doesn't matter too much, but the idea is you give him future meet up plans, ALONE, as he will obviously have his second with him." Seungmin explained, pointing to the map as well to his notes, "Exchange numbers to not look suspicious, and tell him you will text a meet up location to trade, where you will bring proof that you have seen Lee Hui Won. We lure him to somewhere that it's gonna be easy to take him out without any issues, I am thinking the old shipping factory, and then when you meet him, go to show him the photos on your phone, while he is distracted, Hyunjin takes his shot. I know a bullet isn't his favorite method but I can't take any chances." He shrugged, "We snap a photo of proof, and send it DK's way."

"Mm, your genius is showing." Felix chuckled, closing his eyes again. "Now can we go to bed?"

Seungmin smiled fondly to himself. "What, Hyunjin isn't a good enough cuddle buddy?"

"God no, he moves too much." Felix grumbled, releasing Seungmin from his hold, knowing he was successful in his mission to get his friend to call it a night.

"Come on." Seungmin laughed, uncovering himself, waiting until Felix lifted his head to stand.

The freckled boy sprung up with joy, almost waddling his way back to the bedroom, with Seungmin following. The room's visibility was due to a very dim string of lights hanging on the wall. The floor had plush sleeping pallets covering it, with blankets and pillows strewed about. Hyunjin was in the furthest part of the room, blanket twisted and tangled around him, as he was sprawled out, head barely on a pillow. Felix walked in and settled in the middle, staying sat up in his blanket as Seungmin lowered himself on the makeshift bed, getting settled, not even reaching for a blanket because he knew Felix was about to provide it. As soon as Seungmin stilled, Felix threw the blanket over him and cuddled into his side, using him as a pillow, letting out a content sigh.

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