Tattletales Should Just Keep Their Mouths Shut

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"Hyunjinnie! You know that gun you've been eyeing?" Felix asked as he skipped into the hideout. His black computer bag jumped against his body with each step, the boxes of ammo rattling inside.

The question immediately made a smile grow on Hyunjin's face. "You slick finger bitch." He complimented, whipping around his desk chair to face the smaller male.

Seungmin broke out in laughter when he caught a glimpse of Felix's outfit- he was wearing baggy black pants, and an oversized work jacket, topped off with a cap, sport sunglasses, and work boots that looked too big. "You look ridiculous."

"You know I have to play my part! They thought I was really a gun guy." Felix defended, pulling his bag over his head and setting it down, reaching in and pulling out his stolen goods for the day. "ANYWAY- here is your new toy Hyunjin."

The eldest hopped out of the chair and walked over, grabbing the gun and looking over it with a sparkle in his eyes. "Got any suggestion who I should play with?" The question was laced with a tinge of evil.

Felix yanked the cap off of his head, and crossed his arms, pretending to contemplate. He tapped on his chin as if he didn't already have a person in mind. "If you want a challenge... officer Won Kyungho is the one who arrested me way back when, before we met. He was really mean, and pretty annoying. I've been keeping tabs though, and he works a few nightshifts for the club downtown."

"How has he not recognized you, Lix?" Seungmin asked, lighting the blunt he just rolled and bringing it to his lips.

"My many disguises!" Felix claimed proudly, pointing over to the wall he kept his wigs and collection of clothes. "When I go to the club I usually wear the college asshole outfit."

"Ah, so Hyunbitch's hand-me-downs." Seungmin deadpanned, a plume of smoke trickling out of his mouth.

"Most of them, yeah!" The freckled boy said cheerfully, as he went to the fridge and pulled out a beer.

Hyunjin jokingly threatened, "You idiots are lucky I don't kill you." Pointing the empty gun toward Seungmin.

The youngest just relaxed further into the couch. "Where's the fun in that? Then you'll just live each day in monotony. We keep it entertaining." He replied, swinging his free hand around in the air as he spoke.

"He's right, Hyunjinnie. We bring so much to your life. Without us, Racha wouldn't exist. You wouldn't get the chance to do the fun underground planning. Or pull off half of the more extreme stunts you've done, like the chained underwater girl! You were high on that night for weeks." Felix rambled, joining Seungmin on the couch, slamming back half of the alcoholic beverage.

Hyunjin recounted that experience, relishing in the memory. "Oh my God, her face was priceless when she couldn't undo the locks. The way her goggles filled with tears, and the bubbles of air floating to the top as she drowned... wow I haven't thought about that one in a while. Yeah, I guess I'll keep you gremlins around a little longer."

"Annnd!! Look at all the stuff I've gotten for you." Felix said, looking for acknowledgment. He was quite excited about the collection he had.

Rolling his eyes, Hyunjin muttered, "I guess you're useful."

Not satisfied with the response, Felix continued. "Annnnd!! Without me, we wouldn't have Seungmin!"

"Yeah, you were supposed to be the LOOKOUT. And this little dumbass showed up." Hyunjin playfully scolded, still fiddling with his new gun.

"But it all worked out because he had just killed his ex. It's like fate that he ran up on us!" Felix grinned, nuzzling his head against Seungmin. "And now I have a best friend! Plus you needed the balance. You always said I was too cheery, and Seungmin is a sarcastic asshole!"

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