Ulterior Motive

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As the two men walked back into the base, Chan popped out from his office. "Well, how did it go?" He asked, a little excitement spilling out.

"Fine." Lino answered simply, tossing his shoulders up in a shrug, and making his way to his table, pulling his jacket off as he walked.

Han followed behind the drug dealer, looking quite awkward. He was waiting on more direction, unsure what to do now. "Uh.. can I..." He hesitantly asked, motioning to the spare room he had been staying in, the one that his cocaine was in.

"Not yet. Come, talk with me Hannie." Chan replied, throwing his head back to signal that their conversation would take place in the office.

The thought of a private conversation with the leader made Han's stomach twist and turn, and he gulped to suppress his apprehension. He could barely pick up his feet to go toward the eldest, feeling as if they were weighed down with cinder blocks. Only once Lino nudged him toward the office could Han move.

Shutting the door behind Han, Chan just smiled. It was supposed to comfort and ease the younger male, but it only made Han confused. Out of all of the Stray Kids, Han knew the least about Chan.

So far, Han had come to the following conclusions about the other members. Lino had taken care of him through his wean, and they just went on a drug deal. Lino was safe. He was intimidating, but he was safe. He also sometimes softened when he deemed it necessary. Changbin was welcoming. He had helped during the wean with meals, and gave him the tour. He had told him what he needed to know and gave him heads up. He also gave him his old clothes. 'Innie' was terrifying. While he looked so young and innocent, so precious and kind, he was ruthless and violent. He acted like a younger brother to the other Stray Kids, but especially Lino, and seemed to be babied by them. However, they all seemed to trust him to carry out his missions, and with flying colors at that. Chan was... their leader. That's all that Han knew about him.

"So, tell me, how was tonight for you, Hannie?" Chan asked, offering Han a chair before sitting in his own behind the desk that was covered with a laptop and papers, including notes and maps.

There was that nickname again. Being the curious person he is, Han wanted to test the waters, so he decided to inquire. "Hannie? I'm gonna assume that you're the reason why Innie is 'Innie'."

Nodding with a closed mouth smile, Chan confirmed proudly. "Also Changbin got 'Binnie', and Lino got 'Minnie'!"

At first, Han just nodded as if it made sense, until he actually thought about it and it didn't. "Minnie? How'd you come up with that one?"

"Lino's real name isn't Lino. It's based on his actual name, which... now that I'm talking about it, I remember he doesn't want people knowing." The elder sighed, realizing he definitely said too much.

"Ha, okay! Whatever. I can't wait to use 'Minnie'." Han was giddy, ready to tease the mentioned male, who had given him and exclusively calls him the name 'runner', despite him revealing his name and the others referring to him as such.

Immediately Chan shook his head, warning the younger. "I wouldn't if I were you, he might snap your neck."

Heeding the warning, Han moved on to his next question. "That probably means Innie doesn't want anyone to know his real name as well?"

"No, he doesn't mind, his is Jeongin. But that's irrelevant. What did you think about your first mission?" Chan cut to the chase, wanting to get a feel for how Han felt about his order.

"It was..." Han paused, considering how to answer, as the uncertainty of how the leader would react to any answer was lingering. Would he catch Han in a lie if he painted it in pretty colors? Or would he be angry if Han was truthful about his discomfort?

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