Eye For A Lie

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As soon as the door opened, Hyunjin threw a vicious punch. By the sound, and feel of it, it could be assumed he broke cartilage.

Hissing from the throbbing pain in his nose, Namjoon held his face as he straightened his posture after stumbling back. "What the fuck, man?!"

Not anywhere close to satisfied, Hyunjin entered the residence, cracking his knuckles. Felix followed behind, shutting the door and prancing over to the couch before plopping down.

Voice gravelly due to a mixture of physical pain, a sense of betrayal, and overall annoyance, "Did Seungmin send you?" Namjoon asked, backing up while still holding his face.

"Don't you dare say his name." Hyunjin fumed, walking closer, taking another swing, but getting blocked as the other male tried to defend himself. "He's hurt because of you." He seethed.

"I didn't touch him!" Namjoon was quick to report, holding his free hand up in surrender.

Though it seemed he wasn't paying attention, "You didn't have to." Felix said, 'filing' his nails.

Hyunjin grabbed the side of Namjoon's head and slammed it in the wall. "It hurts, doesn't it?" He smiled as he nodded, as if he was emphasizing that it would. As Namjoon went to hold his head in both hands, Hyunjin threw him to the ground. "He's my BABY."

"I know that!" Namjoon yelled back, despite the excruciating pain in his head. "You're all he talks about!"

Hyunjin chuckled at the comment, and Felix stood from the couch, bringing a sledgehammer.

"He– he's always showing me pictures of you guys, ones he thinks you guys are precious in. He loves you guys!" Namjoon tried scooting back on the floor, Hyunjin following him.

A sadistic smirk grew on Hyunjin's face. "We already know." He said proudly, swinging the sledgehammer down, making contact with the side of Namjoon's knee, causing a shrill scream.

When Namjoon's hands left his head to hold his leg, Hyunjin went for the other, putting all his strength in it like the carnival game of hitting the bell with the force of the hammer.

"You can't run away with shattered knees." Hyunjin stated, grabbing Namjoon's shirt and pulling him to sit up. "Lixie, have at him." Hyunjin threw the sledgehammer across the room, making a hole in the drywall, before he walked out of the room to search the house for anything the trio would find useful.

Whispering desperately, "Felix, Felix, Felix, Felix, you gotta talk some sense into him. Seungmin wouldn't want me dead. You know that. You're the sweet one, I know you don't want to hurt Seungmin like this." Namjoon pleaded, shaking his head as Felix walked behind him and sat on his haunches.

Putting his hands on both of Namjoon's shoulders, "It's infuriating how you think you know my Seungminnie more than me." Felix said in a sickly sweet tone. He held his hands out to be in Namjoon's vision. "What do you think of my nails?" He asked as if it was a normal conversation.


"What do you think of my nails?" Felix only gave him half a second to respond, before answering for him. "They're nice, right?" He curled his fingers in toward his palms, showing how perfectly shaped and symmetrical they were. "Really well done, right? I wouldn't need to file them, because whoever did them, did a perfect job. Wouldn't you agree?"

Namjoon shuddered a breath out, realizing the implication.

"My Seungminnie always does a perfect job. He paints my nails, I paint his. Whenever he is going to paint my nails, he makes sure he has everything he needs, before he starts. Polish, base and top coat, nail file, cuticle oil, everything." Felix spoke words of sugar, in a deep voice that was savory, with a tone that was bitter. "So let's say he gets a plan in his mind of how he wants to paint my nails but he is missing a few things. He goes to the store and asks the clerk about the specific polish and its ingredients, how it will interact with the polishes he already has, and the clerk assures him it won't interact at all. So when he goes to paint my nails, and adds the new polish on his perfect-thus-far work, and it bleeds, or it cracks, or it just in some way ruins his perfect job, it's not his fault, right? Cause he asked, and the clerk assured him." Even though Namjoon couldn't see his face, Felix scrunched his brows in resentment.

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