The Heist To Pay

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From inside the van, Chan typed away on his computer via Changbin's instructions on a phone call. He was disabling the security system within the museum. He had waited until everyone else left to call Changbin, so Wooyoung and San didn't know about it. But Changbin was the most tech-savvy of the group.

"Now type 01000101 01101110 01110100 01100101 01110010." Changbin advised, after Chan explained the last response.

Chan did as instructed, and suddenly the security system popped up on his screen. "I'm in."

"Is there anywhere on the screen for settings, to disable it?" The younger asked, trying to figure out the next steps.

"No, just the different videos."

Changbin wrote in his notebook, "Type 01000100 01101001 01110011 01100001 01100010 01101100 01100101."

After typing the code as it was told to him, Chan smiled as the cameras all shut off. "How do you remember all these specifc numbers?"

Chuckling, Changbin answered, "Binary is like another language."

"Well, thank you. I better call them and let them know they are good to go." Chan said, already pulling up Lino's contact.

"Good luck." Changbin wished before hanging up.

Huddled on the side of the building across the street from the museum, the group of men were concealed in the darkness.

Lino's phone buzzed, and he put his cigarette between his lips to pull his cellular device from his pocket. Across the screen was a text giving them the go ahead. "Let's go." He announced to the rest of the men, stomping out his cigarette.

San went with Jeongin to go to the security office to disable the alarms, while Lino, Han, and Wooyoung went in towards the main exhibit room.

As the three men jogged down the hallway to the exhibit, Wooyoung started to prepare the other two, "Okay, so for this museum, the art is hung on sensors to alert of their weight being lifted. The frames aren't actually part of the pieces, but instead it's the way they bolt in the art. We have to remove the frames first, and then the art. But San and Yang will have to take care of the sensors first."

"Why couldn't Chan-hyung do that at the same time as the cameras?" Han asked, genuinely curious. Granted, it was a valid question. It would've given them more hands from the start, and would've been more efficient.

"The alarms are built in, all internally. Whereas the security cameras run off of wifi. He can't hack into wires in the walls." Wooyoung explained, slowing his jog once they got closer to the exhibit. "I'm not sure if they have overnight security guards walking the floor, so guns out."

Han looked over at Lino, the hesitancy was clear on his face.

"It's okay," Lino thought he whispered quiet enough that it was just between himself and Han, but Wooyoung heard it. "Don't get in your head. We got this."

Squinting suspiciously toward the other two, Wooyoung was analyzing the dynamic. It wasn't the Lino that he had known. It was familiar, though. He had picked up on it the second they all got in the van together.

"Are we going to be able to carry the art on our own?" Han asked in a whisper, knowing they had seven pieces in total that they needed to procure.

Thinking for a moment, Wooyoung was trying to recall the approximate sizes of the pieces. "Yeah, all except the one that looks like fur. That will be at least two people."

Han nodded while Lino kept an eye on Wooyoung, just in case. Because while it was Jongho who started the entire rift between the two groups, Lino defended himself, shooting Jongho in the knee, so the entire group of ATEEZ had it out for him.

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