Love And Hate Crimes

233 13 36

⚠️ SA/mentions of R, Gore, Extreme Violence, Genital Mutilation(?), Homophobia ⚠️
Also, additional tags:
Semi Public Sex(? Yes but no?), Cock Stepping, Teasing, STDs
(If I missed anything please let me know and I'll update the warnings!!!)

The view from the table at Walking on a Cloud - the high dining restaurant, was immaculate, but Hyunjin found the sight of Felix sitting in Seungmin's lap as the two made out even better. It was interesting what a little alcohol could do.

Even though they were at a high-end restaurant, not in the secluded VIP section, Seungmin didn't seem to mind Felix's ever growing need for physical touch. It started with a few small pecks on the cheek, turning to quick mouth to mouth kisses, then into their tongues dancing and Felix abandoning his seat altogether to take place on Seungmin's lap.

Seungmin wasn't sure how he got to a place of feeling so comfortable with someone after what his ex had done to him, but he had no complaints about the little flips his heart did at the fun of the occasional make out.

Hyunjin leaned forward, taking a sip of wine with one hand, and grabbing Seungmin's hand from Felix's back with the other. The youngest opened his eyes, finding Hyunjin's. The elder took his fingernail, dragging it across Seungmin's palm, causing him to gasp at the sensation.

With the break of the kiss, Felix buried his face into Seungmin's neck, exhaling a long, warm breath.

"Satisfied?" Hyunjin asked, reaching his other hand over and trailing it down Felix's spine, catching on each divot.

"Mhm~" Felix hummed, soaking in the atmosphere, playing idling with the ends of Seungmin's hair. If Felix was cuddly sober, he was on-another-level clingy, drunk on wine and the lead up of the night.

The eldest leaned further down, pressing a kiss to Seungmin's fingers, admiring the fresh tattoo they all shared. "What about you, pu- uh, angel?" He corrected himself, as Felix warned him that a restaurant like this may not take so kindly to his usual nickname for the youngest. Making out in someone's lap was fine, but calling someone a term related to an animal... that might get them on the list of people not allowed to make reservations again. Reasoning 'they'll think it's a kink.

"My food was good. Lixie's was delicious." Seungmin giggled as he blushed, turning to look out the window at the city from their high point of view.

Hyunjin hummed, "You just let me know when you're ready to leave. We have the table booked out for another hour and a half."

"I think the longer we stay, the more uncomfortable the staff is." Seungmin stated, knowing he and Felix had gotten a few displeased looks. Although it was a lot worse even just a few years prior, it still wasn't necessarily highly accepted in South Korea. It being a seemingly same-sex relationship as well as what appeared to be polyamory, not to mention Felix's choice of clothing for the evening.

"I don't give two flying fucks." Hyunjin snorted, cutting a bite of cheesecake with his spoon and holding it out for Seungmin.

Seeing the offer of dessert in his peripheral, Seungmin turned and accepted the bite.

Concealed under the tablecloth, Hyunjin removed his shoes, and one of his socks, quite discreetly. Without showing any signs of his mischief, he raised his bare foot up, finding the target he was looking for. Felix didn't react at all, unphased by Hyunjin's foot under his skirt. That was until Hyunjin hooked his toe under the thin waistband of the Australian's poor excuse for underwear, pulling it as far away from his body as possible before letting the band slide from his toe, snapping against Felix's body.

Felix stuttered a breath into Seungmin's neck, who was confused as to why Felix just had a full body shiver.


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