Blood In The Ocean For Sharks

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Tokens of various colors slid across the table, stopping in front of Jeongin. He had just won the round of poker with a straight flush, only concealing his shit-eating grin due to the cigar he was smoking.

"Bastard doesn't even go easy on his buddies when playing casual rounds." Heesung lightly complained, restacking his poker chips.

Pulling the cigar out of his mouth and tossing his leg over the other, Jeongin snorted. "Didn't realize you still needed training wheels."

The rest of the room began 'Ooh'ing as if it was a huge burn. Heeseung just shook his head with a smile.

"Watch it, Iyen, that's how you keep making enemies." Huening Kai warned with a chuckle, genuinely concerned for his friend and his smart mouth, but knowing Heeseung wouldn't take it personal.

Becoming more boisterous, Jeongin quickly sat forward, waving his arms around. "You know who is my enemy today? Fucking Beomgyu! Bitchass bought from Lino-hyung yesterday and would rather be in the clouds than with us." Jeongin made it out to be a bigger issue than it was, acting more offended than he could ever actually feel about it.

The statement made Huening Kai cackle and clap, before settling back down. "I'll be sure to let him know you got beef when I see him next time." Which wouldn't be long, seeing as they were roommates, along with their more introverted friend Soobin.

"You just want him to play because you always convince him to go all-in." Jungwon pointed out, shuffling the cards. The periodical thumps on the table shaking all of their drinks, each of their preferred alcoholic beverages threatening to spill over with the rowdiness of them all.

"He is just too easy to rile up! What can I say? I love initiating that chaotic energy. It's always fun." Jeongin smiled, returning the cigar back to his mouth.

"Yo, Iyen, how are things going with your latest information-ship?" Lim Jimin asked, pulling out a plain cigarette.

All of Jeongin's close friends had some idea of the Stray Kids and what they did, or were currently working on. They also knew that aside from Jeongin using gambling to be a source of income for the group, he also gathered information. His latest strategy to do so being what he called "information-ships", using sex and false romance to get what he was after.

"I got the concealed records of all the charges filed against Jung Son."

Jungwon began dealing the cards around the velvet lined table as he asked "Damn, how'd you manage that?" It was an impressive accomplishment, to say the least.

"My dick." The man of the hour bragged, picking up the cards Jungwon dealt him, seeing a queen of hearts and 10 of clubs. "Fuck 'em silly til they're babbling secrets or willing to do anything for me, including sneaking into the office to snag classified documents."

Heeseung folded his hand before popping the lid off his next beer, "You can't be serious. No sex is worth the risk with the people you're after." It wasn't a secret how dangerous Jung Son and his men could be.

"To someone with a sex addiction it is." Jeongin smirked, tossing a few chips in to raise. He hoped his raise would be almost overshadowed by the conversation.

Lim Jimin rolled his eyes at the revelation, mindlessly following the raise and calling. "Of course you got a sex addict." He was usually in disbelief at how Jeongin always seemed to have luck on his side.

Winking, Jeongin watched with internal glee as he successfully raised without raising suspicion.  "Longest standing information-ship to date."

The previous title holders all met the same fate, staring down the barrel of a gun. Either due to turning against Jeongin, getting caught and the other side using them as unsuccessful leverage, or too many errors. But the current arrangement was working well, that Jeongin didn't see there to be any issues in the future.

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