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Pulling a thumb tack from between his teeth, Chan hung up the last picture of the members of Racha that were sent in the email requesting a hit on them. "So, these are the most recent photos of all the Racha members, according to the guy wanting them dead."

Cheeks full, having been eating samgak kimbap, "Who is that one?" Han asked, pointing at the one member he personally hadn't seen.

Chan turned to see which photo Han was asking about. "Kim Seungmin. He is the mastermind behind all of Racha's escapades."

"So," after swallowing the bite in his mouth, Han's jaw clenched, "he likely planned the set up on Lino?" He glanced back, looking at his favorite person, who was sitting with his arms crossed at his own table.

"Absolutely." Chan affirmed, writing important notes under the photos.

"Bastard." Lino uttered under his breath, putting out his cigarette in the ashtray. He had a personal grudge against all of them, for being responsible for Changbin getting shot. Well... other than himself.

The leader threw four folders down on Changbin's table, one for each of the members. He had put the emailed information inside, though he did redact certain pieces that he felt they didn't need to know. "Dead on sight, just make sure you get indisputable proof."

Lino stood from his chair, attracting everyone's attention. "Hell, I don't care if we get paid, I want them dead too." He approached the rest of the group, picking up one of the folders from Changbin's table.

"I get that. But, we need the money. I pulled some strings and we owe a hefty price for a giant favor." Chan explained, sighing.

"Innie can just go out and get it, no biggie." Lino playfully said, winking at the maknae who returned the same gesture.

"Yeah.. no." Chan sucked air between his teeth, "This is way more than what Innie can bring in. That's why we need to do the heist. And ensure we get proof that can't be denied."

"Damn, what favor did you ask for?" Jeongin asked, still scrolling through reference photos on his phone.

Shoulders slumping, Chan exhaled, leaning forward and resting his weight on his hands on the table. "I'm paying the media to keep any damning stories of Jung Son out of the press right now. I'm trying to do what I can to keep this new girl alive."

"So that's what sucked us dry!" Jeongin said off-handed, not really putting much thought into the words.

Changbin pointed at Jeongin's phone, whispering, "Does your information-ship know you're getting that? You won't be able to suck anything dry for about eight weeks. No kissing, or..." he cleared his throat, "anything else."

"I don't need approval," Jeongin laughed, "if anything, it'll just be a bigger turn on." He whispered as he clicked his phone screen off and put the device in his pocket. "And, trust me, I don't need my mouth to get what I want." The last part was a bit louder than the rest.

Narrowing his eyes as he chewed, Han looked at Jeongin. "What kind of conversation are you having?" He chortled. The small bits and pieces he heard definitely sounded suggestive.

After looking in Lino's direction, Jeongin and Changbin shared a look. A look of debate, but ultimately, shaking their heads no. It was small, as if saying 'it's nothing.', anyone would let it go. However, Lino sat the folder down on the table, and without saying anything, went straight to his room. There was an undertone in the air.

Instantly sitting his food down, Han stood. "I'll go talk to him." He announced as he too went to Lino's room.

As the door to Lino's room gently closed, Han gave a sad expression, his brows turning up and his mouth curling in. "What's wrong?" He didn't have to ask if something was wrong. He could sense it. Everyone could. But Han had some advantage, a Lino radar, or something. He noticed the scrunch in Lino's face as he was reading the information in the folder. He saw the invisible arrow of discomfort shoot through him as he stiffened. He saw the air grow thick before the others caught on, the folder being returned to the table and Lino isolating himself suddenly being the give away to everyone else.

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