Fuel To The Fire

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⚠️ SA/R, mutilation, gore

Lino couldn't sleep. He had gotten used to Han being in the room with him. With Han being gone with Jeongin, the room was too quiet. The first night was enough to scare him from sleeping; something he had been getting over since Han joined the group.

'WHAT. HAPPENED.' The replay of Chan's loud voice tried shaking an answer out of him.

Handcuffs held Minho's hands behind his back, tight, digging into the thin skin and sitting on the bones in his wrists uncomfortably. He was forced to be on his knees with his head down on the mattress.

Master just slammed the wooden chair into the wall, breaking it.

"You've had all this time to learn to be good, Minho. Years! And you BITE me? I don't know what I hate more, your usual laziness, or your deliberate misbehaving." Master's stomps got closer, causing Minho's fearful heart to beat even faster.

In his dissociation, unbeknownst to himself, Minho accidentally bit down fairly hard while Master was forcing himself down the young boy's throat.

Bracing for another lash of the whip, Minho squeezed his eyes shut. But it never happened. Instead, it became silent in the room. Minho was petrified to open his eyes. And despite all the years of abuse, nothing could have prepared him for Master's next move.

Minho gasped, eyes shooting open. Something was inserted deep inside of him, without warning of course. It was unbelievably painful. Nothing he had felt before. An odd shape. And it was rammed in, yanked out, and rammed in again, over and over and over and over. The object went farther in his body than anything Master had used before. The pain was unlike anything else, feeling violated in places he never knew existed in his own body, like his insides would begin to rupture.

No more sounds were coming from Minho, just silent gasps. "You should be thanking me," Master grabbed Minho's hair, pulling his head up from the mattress, "I should cut your dick off for what you pulled! I'm being nice, sparing you from bleeding out!" The object was pulled out again, but instead of being pushed back in, Master held it in front of Minho's face. "You want to bite this?!"

It was one of the legs from the wooden chair, blood on it from the force Master was using when mutilating Minho with it. Minho shook his head as much as he could in Master's grasp.

Master returned to using the chair leg to assult Minho, faster and more aggressively. "Thank me! Or I'll get the blade."

Through choked sobs, Minho mumbled, "Th-thank y-y-you."

The deeper that Master went with the chair leg inside of Minho, the more he felt like he was fading. But not like usual. A nauseating heat ran through him, crawling up into his face. His vision began distorting the room. He started trembling. He passed out.

Changbin gently opened the door and walked into the room, having gotten a phone call from Lino and the only thing he heard was crying. He found Lino in a fetal position, gripping onto his blanket with every ounce of strength he had.

"Hey," Changbin softly spoke, lowering down and very very carefully putting his hand on Lino. "I'm here, you're okay."

Lino shot fully awake, scrambling to the corner of his room, and using the blanket as a shield. He felt relief seeing it was Changbin, but then realization set in. He called Changbin. Changbin asks questions.

'WHAT. HAPPENED.' The aggressive question rang in Lino's ears. He couldn't possibly voice what he just remembered, so he buried his face in his blanket in his hands. He began to remember the exact feeling of that incident, the way he felt damaged for weeks afterwards, and as he sobbed in the present moment, wasn't even sure he wasn't permanently damaged in some way. He wouldn't know.

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