It's An Illusion

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Seventeen months ago.

Maroon sequins almost twinkled in the dimly lit dressing room of the costume shop, adding to the magical aura. Both boys were giggling as Felix tried tying the neck bow, heavily insisting he knew how, as Seungmin couldn't believe him.

"I am the king of costumes, of course I know how!" Felix defended, fiddling with the black fabric.

"Mhm, sureee." Seungmin teased, watching as the small hands pulled and tangled the thin material. "Do you think he will actually go for this?" He asked more seriously as he stood patiently for the bow to be completed.

"You mean can I get him to willingly roleplay?" Felix smirked, tugging the bow one last time before turning the youngest to look in the mirror, catching his eyes in the reflection. "Yeah, I'll get him to wear this."

The youngest blushed, still trying to adjust to the unusual friendship the two older boys had. "Why is everything some kind of innuendo or turned into a sexually suggestive game?"

The blonde Australian giggled, wrapping his arms around Seungmin's waist from behind, swaying side to side. "Because it's fun~" He rested his chin on his shoulder, having to stand on his tippy toes to do so. "You can't deny that you've laughed a few times at it."

"I mean, sometimes, yeah. But I just don't get the... appeal? I guess." Seungmin started, getting more quiet as he spoke. "The sexual stuff, I mean."

"Well, it makes sense you have an aversion to it now, considering-"

Cutting Felix off, Seungmin revealed, "I always have. That's why she did it."

The information made Felix turn his face to actually look at Seungmin, not just through the mirror, though the youngest kept his eyes trained forward. "She knew?" The question was soft, as Felix stopped the swaying.

"I made it very clear. I gave her outs, she insisted it was fine." Seungmin started running his fingertips along the costume jacket sequins, the texture being a bit of a distraction to his nervous system.

Felix tightened the back hug just slightly. "That's even more fucked than I thought."

"I just-" Seungmin sighed, as his thoughts came to a head. "I feel like something was- is wrong with me, and that I'm the odd one out, with you guys too."

Releasing the boy, Felix moved to stand in front of him now, blocking the mirror. He started adjusting the ruffled shirt collar of the magician costume, to make his close proximity seem purposeful. "You aren't. I mean, if it's not your thing, it's not your thing. You don't have to play the game. I think for us, it's because we're already so fucked in the heads, and are so demented with a darkness, that lust and sensuality are just so closely related that it's easy. Like with drugs and alcohol too, just being on the wrong side makes the rest of the dubious shit almost normal. Second nature."

Flashing a small smile, Seungmin tried to show he appreciated his friend's words, then tried to go out of his comfort zone. "Do I look hot?" He asked, gesturing at his outfit.

Catching on, Felix narrowed his eyes, putting his hands on the youngest's hips, very carefully, watching for any sign of discomfort. When there wasn't any, Felix pulled Seungmin close, whispering lowly in his ear. "So fucking hot. Can't wait to see Hyunjinnie ruin it." The end of the joke was pushing it for Seungmin's level, so he pushed Felix back, before both boys broke out in a laughing fit.

"So, you gonna use your discount on this?" Seungmin asked, referring to Felix's love of shoplifting, as he took one last look in the dressing room mirror.

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