Here's Your Prize

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A few minutes had passed, and a small voice called out. "I'm c-changed."

Changbin handed the pair of handcuffs to Lino, and positioned himself to stay outside the door. He did not think this was going to go over well. Chan sighed, walking away towards his room. Lino turned around and opened the door.

Han sat there, on the mattress on the floor, looking like he had been swallowed up by Chan's clothes. He brought the water bottle to his lips again and took another big drink, having already had half the bottle down. Lino approached him and put a wet cloth over his forehead. "Before we do this, I want to make sure you are okay with it. I don't want to make the decision for you. Do you want to wean the heroin out?"

The question sat in Han's mind. His preferred drug was cocaine, and the heroin was just something to tie him over. Plus with the high maintenance of heroin, he'd rather go back to his usual choice. The awful way he felt at the moment also contributed to his decision. "Yeah, as long as I can go back to coke after." Han replied, taking the wet cloth from his forehead and patting his face with it to cool himself down.

"Okay. Let me check your arm from earlier really quick." Lino nonchalantly said, already putting his plan to work. With the slight of hands, he had already hooked one of the cuffs to the steel pipe on the wall, without being noticed, when he initially placed the wet cloth on Han's head.

Unsuspecting, Han stretched out his arm for the other. This gave Lino the perfect opportunity. As he grabbed the arm to make it look like he was inspecting it, his free hand took the other part of the cuff and secured it around Han's wrist quickly. "The hell, m-man?!" Han yelled, trying to yank his arm away, only to be attached to the pipe.

"Don't worry, runner. That's only to keep you in here and away from my stash. Also helps you get through the detox." Lino explained, backing away a little.

"I d-didn't sign up for th-this! Let me g-go!" Han thrashed his arm around. His voice had a mixture of anger and fear, and his facial expression matched.

There was a slight pang within Lino as he saw the small male react in a panic. It reminded him of his own past a little. However, he didn't want to let his strong appearance falter. Sighing, Lino shook his head. "If you want to stay here and get through this with help then you're gonna have to be cuffed. If not, we can get you back outside but then you're on your own."

Han groaned as he considered his options. "Fine." He huffed, as he didn't have much of a choice. At least with the help of the Stray Kids, he was gonna have the drug to help him.

Almost as if it was what he would personally need to hear, "I promise you're safe. And when you need something you let me know. Got it, runner?" Lino said as he walked to the room door, about to leave.

"Han." The scratchy voice barely spoke, nearly hidden by the sounds of footsteps.

"Hm?" Lino asked turning around, as he didn't quite catch what the younger said, and thought it was something he was needing.

"My name is Han." Han stated, laying down to return to his fetal position.

A small chuckle left Lino as he nodded his head. "Okay, runner." He said with a smirk as he left the room and shut the door.

The next few days were unpleasant. Not as bad as it could have been, but Han couldn't deny that it wasn't great. The symptoms of withdrawal were lessened significantly, while he still got smaller and smaller doses each time from Lino.

While he wasn't a fan of being locked by handcuffs to the wall, Han never once felt in danger or truly trapped. He got the feeling that if he really wanted to be released, he would've been, just on the condition he was going to be forced to leave, and as Lino had told him, deal with things on his own. However, if he had asked for anything, he was given it. Within reason, of course.

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