When The Dust Settles

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Headlights turned on in the distance due to the van being started by Seungmin, who had already flung the doors open for the two men to be able to just get in the vehicle. Hyunjin and Felix bolted out of the building, running so fast that Felix's ear buds fell out of his ears. Not like he couldn't just steal another pair. It was thanks to all of his previous costumes and close calls that he was skilled in running in heels. But Hyunjin wasn't interested in sitting in the back, nor Felix being back there alone, so he slammed the sliding door shut before he got in the passenger seat, and yanked Felix in his lap.

The second the door closed, Seungmin put the pedal to the floor, gassing it and getting the hell out of there.

Pulling the wig off and then running a hand through his hair, Felix was shaken up, as Hyunjin was inspecting him for injury, moving him around like a weightless doll. "Did you get hit?!" The eldest asked strained.

"No, just my coat." Felix exhaled, lifting the article of clothing to show the hole that was near the underarm. If it was angled just slightly more to the right, it would have gone into his upper ribs, at least.

Seungmin whipped his head to look at the coat to see exactly where the bullet passed through, and seeing just how close of a call it was made him feel like a disgrace. His grip on the steering wheel tightened so much so his knuckles were white. "What happened in there?" Anguish obvious in his voice.

"The buff guy showed up right when I was about to shoot that fucker! Knocked him out of the way just as I shot." Hyunjin explained, brushing Felix's hair behind his ear, thankful he wasn't harmed.

Slipping the coat off, Felix threw it in the floor, before opening the center console and grabbing a shirt out. It was one of Hyunjin's oversized shirts, which basically swallowed the Australian whole. "Hold these." Felix requested, handing a pair of boxers to Hyunjin from the console.

The news of the unexpected previous partner of Lino showing up was maddening to Seungmin, causing him to clench his teeth so hard his jaw popped and his hearing faded slightly. He had checked with Namjoon for that very outcome to not happen.

Hyunjin opened the undergarment for Felix to slide his legs into, while the younger shifted awkwardly above him to do so. "Was that the skinny kid too?" He asked, looking up in the hazel eyes of Felix who held onto his shoulders for support.

"Yeah." Felix nodded, sliding his second leg through the leg hole of the boxers, before Hyunjin tugged them up. "That bitch is the one who shot at me."

All of a sudden, Seungmin started banging the steering wheel. "How could you be so stupid?!" He asked himself, before beginning to punch his forehead repeatedly, barely hearing Felix calling him.

A muted "Ngmin." barely registered, "Seungmin." Then someone was grabbing his wrist and pulling it away from his face, holding it back from colliding with his head anymore. Hyunjin held the wheel while Felix held Seungmin's wrists. "Seungminnie, pull over." Shit, he was driving. In a split second, Seungmin started letting off the gas to pull to the side of the road, and then started braking until they came to a stop, Hyunjin throwing the van in park.

"UGH!" The youngest yelled, his emotions feeling like they were misfiring. He had planned for weeks for this hit. He had picked a location where they could meet and be undisturbed. How did two people sneak in without Hyunjin being able to see? He had checked with Namjoon about Lino suspecting them and turning things around, he had asked about his partners, and was also assured that Lino had no idea. He had planned a good character for Felix to portray. Or did he? Was the location too easy for Lino's partners to enter into without being noticed? Was the information from Namjoon not as reliable as he had come to believe? Was the story and character he had Felix play not convincing? Seungmin started banging his head on the window. "I'm such a fucking idiot!"

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