First Mission

569 31 8

The next morning Lino woke up, his head tingling. As he sat up, he flipped his phone over to see if he had any important notifications.

Bin 02:55am
| you okay tonight?

Piss ant 04:38am
| got any EX avail?

Jay 10:52am
| yo I get off work at 8- meet at 830 at usual?

Innie 11:41am
| I'll be there in 20 minutes, if you love me you'll have some gimbap ready for me ^_^

Groaning, Lino opened his messages.


yo I get off work at 8- meet at 830 at usual?

Yea. Heads up, I'm bringing an unfamiliar face

Piss ant

got any EX avail?

Not currently. Coke, xanny, and a pathetic amount of crystal.


you okay tonight?

Yeah I'm fine

Bin is typing...


I'll be there in 20 minutes, if you love me you'll have some gimbap ready for me ^_^

You're lucky you're the baby.

After replying to all his messages, Lino stood, his balance thrown off, steadying himself on the wall. He shuffled over to his drawers and pulled out a clean pair of clothes, a gray loose shirt and pair of black pleather pants, changing quickly. He then slipped on his combat-style boots, tying them tightly. As he walked out of his room, the light of the main room was bright, making him scrunch his face. He noticed Han sitting on the couch with his knees pulled up to his chest, watching some infomercials, Chan drinking a cup of coffee while leaning against the table Changbin was sitting at, who was typing on his phone.

The three all turned their focus on him, which he despised, so he gave purpose to their attention. "Innie's almost home. Gonna make him some gimbap. Have you guys eaten?" Lino asked as he stumbled with each step, his morning voice noticeably deeper, with a heavy amount of rasp.

"Not yet, I was trying to calculate the next steps. Jung Son is out of town for a 'business trip' currently." Chan replied before taking a sip of his black coffee.

Just then, Lino's phone vibrated, and in the corner of his eye, he saw Changbin set his own phone down. He knew the notification was Changbin texting him back. Han remained quiet, while Lino had been the one taking care of him during his detox, Changbin made sure to emphasize the importance of respecting the elder, intimidating him in the process.

"I see you washed your nasty ass, runner." Lino acknowledged though he kept making his way to the kitchen, glancing at his phone once he was out of sight of the others. He continued the conversation as he started to prepare the food.


you okay tonight?

Yeah I'm fine

glad you got some sleep. but don't lie to me. you barely got any sleep helping Han wean. and you got real reserved the last 2 days. you aren't 'fine'

I don't want to talk about it.

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