Red Lights

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Rolling over, Lino woke up, realization setting in of the events that had taken place in the last seventeen hours. Mostly the segment during the night with Changbin- The panic attack, the nightmare, the weird sensation of getting lost again. He groaned as he sat up, his cheeks tight and itchy from dried, crusted on tears. His head pounding from everything; lack of restful sleep, panic, and rage.

The corner of his mattress was flat against the floor, his knife was gone. But, knowing Changbin, Lino could assume he likely moved it. Changbin always showed in subtle ways that he didn't want Lino to hurt. And it made his heart ache a little, knowing that someone actually cared about him. He didn't have a family to fully compare the bond to, yet he knew that Changbin was part of his now. Maybe he didn't regret opening up to him entirely.

Sure, it scared him shitless. Someone knowing the worst parts of him. But Changbin never let the facts of Lino's past be all there was to him. He never coddled him, or made him feel broken. Unless he was already in need of comfort did Changbin treat him like he was fragile. It also meant he became scared to lose Changbin. He had come to rely on him. Something he never wanted to do with anyone. But when there was someone right there to make the pain go away sooner than it would if he suffered alone, he would pick the help. Even if it felt like the weak choice. And eventually, he was afraid to deal with it alone anymore.

A small ping on his phone brought him out of his thoughts.


Hey, I got a job for you today. I need you to stake out Namjoon's movements for the next couple weeks. I think he is playing both sides between us and Racha. I know you got deals later today, so just watch until you gotta go take care of those.


You're taking Han too.


Are we going to talk about last night?


Alright. Don't let it- ANY of it- happen again.


The conversation made Lino feel icky. Like he was in trouble, but Chan wasn't saying it. He wanted to shrink into himself, get rid of the building unease in his stomach. The worst thing was that part of him felt like that young boy he wished he could forget.

Thankfully, at that moment of sitting in his uncomfortable feelings, a soft knock on the door caught his attention. He knew it all too well. "Yeah." He permitted, almost feeling a hint of relief.

As the door gently opened, it revealed exactly who Lino expected. Changbin. He stepped inside and walked to the corner of the room, which Lino thought odd, until he saw the younger pick up his knife. His assumptions were correct. He had hid it. "Just in case, last night." Changbin offered the explanation as he approached the older who still sat on his bed, holding the knife out for him to take.

"Mm." Lino hummed, grabbing the knife and stuffing it back in the corner under the mattress.

Changbin hovered for a moment, watching Lino's expression to try and get a read. To Changbin, the older seemed sad. "So, are you good if I meet with Taehyun today and give him the rundown?"

"Yeah, I guess." Lino approved, considering he didn't like his new unexplained blanking out.

But Changbin could tell that wasn't all that was bothering his friend. Something was left unsaid. He was used to this behavior with Lino, holding back things. "You're being quiet. What else is bothering you?"

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