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Reader's pov
Me,Dabi,Toga,Mr.Compress and our leader Shigaraki have a mission to kill a hero but in order to find our target,we have to cross the mountains.Kurogiri just teleported us close to the mountains and he left,leaving us here.Tomura walked in the front,then Dabi,then Toga,then Compress and last me.We also have a bag with tents that Dabi carries on his shoulder."Here.If we follow this path we should be good" I hear Tomura say from the front.He starts walking and we walk behind him,keeping on the path he told us.It was pretty cold because obviously,in mountains the temperatures aren't high so all of them got another layer of clothes.Me though,as the smart person I am,I didn't get another layer,I'm just in my normal clothes which are some black leather jeans,a t shirt and a jacket on top of it.So let's just say,tonight I will be freezing my ass off.But anyway,let's worry about that later.

We follow Tomura as he walks on the path full of rocks and grass,mumbling some things I couldn't hear since I'm the last in the line.As we went forward,the temperatures keep falling as I suddenly see a bit of snow.Perfect.Why the hell i didn't get another layer of clothes..maybe a hoodie underneath this jacket.We continue walking and walking,a bit tired,hungry and most unbearable,cold.I'm already freezing my ass off and I've been here for like 1 hour.What am I gonna do when night comes and it's even colder? Mr.compress turns to me and asks quietly so the others won't hear "Y/n are you ok?" I look at him and I try to hide my shivering. "Yea I'm okay compress thanks" I say.He nods and turns back focusing on the path.I'm freezing.I can't wait for night to come and ask Dabi to light up a fire.

Time skip,8pm
At this point I'm absolutely freezing,all shivering,hungry and thirsty.I can't wait to stop somewhere and install our tents,eat,drink and warm up.The others are a bit cold as well but definitely not like me.As we were walking,my legs numb from the cold,Compress turns around. "Y/n are you sur-" he says but before he can continue my legs gave in and I fell right on top of him causing both to fall on the frozen dirt.Tomura heard the loud thud but didn't bother to look so he just said "Come on we're almost there" I look at Compress and I slowly get up but I felt my legs give in at any point again."I'm so sorry Compress I didn't mean it my legs just gave in and-" "it's okay Y/n don't worry.Can you walk? We're almost there" He says. "Y-yea I think I can" I say as he gently takes my hand and we walk shoulder in shoulder.

I felt my cheeks get warm at least they are warm if the rest of my body isn't from holding his gloved hand.Some minutes later,Tomura seemed to finally stop walking,Dabi and Toga following.I get my hand away from Compress warm hand as I give him a smile. "Okay this should be good we can set our tents in here" Tomura says.Dabi and Compress nods as they go and get the 3 rolled tents from Dabi's bag.I sit on a nearby frozen log,Toga following as we watch the 3 males set up the tents.With some trouble and many cuss words,they put up 2 tents.The third one was kind of..ripped.No seriously.It had a big hole in one of the walls but they didn't seem to notice for now. "Okay so..me and Dabi share a tent,Toga gets hers and Compress and Y/n get the last one" Tomura says.I smile to myself as I think about sharing the tent with Compress.

In the meantime,Dabi went to gather some sticks for a small fire as we all sit down on the frozen log.Toga looks at me and wiggles her eyebrows while pointing at Compress.I hide my blushing face as I lightly hit her hand.Dabi comes back with many sticks as he places them and holds out his hand,lighting them up with his flames.We all get up as I drag the log closer to the fire and Dabi gets some sandwiches,chocolate bars and water bottles from the bag he carried all the way here. "They may be..cold" he says as he passes a chocolate bar,water and sandwiches to everyone.We sit by the fire as we eat in silence,none having the mood to start a conversation.I don't know about the rest but I just want to finish this and go to bed.Toga already finished her food and crawled in her tent,Tomura and Dabi following in their tent,me and Compress the only ones remaining.

"We should go as well" Compress says.I nod as we get up from the log and we get in our tent.We lay down,getting comfortable as I turn my back to him and a wave of cold hits me again."Are you cold?" he whispers. "A little bit.." I whisper as I feel him move when I suddenly felt his arms wrap around my waist and his chest connecting with my back,spooning me.I blush and smile as I turn around and I snuggle closer in his chest.I look up and see him without his top hat,balaclava and mask.revealing his whole face and hair to me.My jaw drops as I stare at his beautiful features.He tries hiding his face but I stop him continuing to admire him. "You're so beautiful.." I whisper as I get lost in his pretty hazel eyes.He stares back in my e/c eyes as I hesitantly place a hand on his cheek.His skin is so soft.. "Compress..you were hiding your beautiful features behind those layers all the time?" I ask as he chuckles.

"Ah I feel flattered dear Y/n" he says with a smile.Our smiles slowly faded as our faces moved closer to each other until I was able to feel his warm breath on my face."Y/n.." he whispers.I look in his eyes as he places his hands around my waist keeping me in place."Y/n I..I liked you for a while now and..it's okay if you don't feel the same but I-" I cut him off by placing my lips on his soft,sweet ones and Compress gently places me on his lap and I wrap my arms around his neck,deepening the kiss.His lips are so soft and sweet..he definitely uses lip balm and also takes care of his skin.We slowly part away as our foreheads rest against each other's. "I like you too Compress.I liked you for a long time" I say causing him to smile."Call me Sako" he says. "Sako?" "Yes Sako.That's my real name" he says.I nod as I play with his soft brown hair. "Well then Sako,are we like together now?" I ask. "It seems so" he says while planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"We should go to sleep..I'm really tired from all the walking today" I say.Sako nods as he lays down and I lay on his chest.He chuckles while wrapping his arms around me protectively and holds on me tighter."Goodnight Y/n" he says. "Goodnight Sako" I say as I kiss his jaw.He smiles as we close our eyes and go to sleep.At this point I don't even feel the cold that I felt some moments ago.Sako makes me so warm..

Time skip to morning
I slowly open my eyes after a good sleep,still on Sako's chest.I look up noticing him already looking down at me and gently playing with my hair."Ah good morning my dear.Did you sleep good?" he asks with a deep morning voice.I think I just fell in love harder."Morning Sako.I slept really good what about you?" I ask."I slept good" he says while planting a kiss on my forehead.As we sat in silence,2 grumpy voices broke the silence. "So it was my fault we froze our asses off?" Yup that's Dabi. "Obviously! The tent had a huge hole in it so all the cold came inside our tent!" Yup that's Tomura. "And how it's that my fault? It's your fault for getting a tent like this!" Dabi yells. "I didn't get it like this! You ripped it while trying to place it" Tomura yells back. I look at Sako who was already laughing and I soon follow him.His laugh is so cute."C'mon let's get up and see what's their problem.We soon have to continue walking through the mountains" Sako says.

I nod but before I get up I grab the collar of his shirt,crashing our lips together."Let's go pretty boy" I say once we get away.Sako lightly blushes and starts getting ready again.He gets his balaclava,then his top hat and before he puts his mask back he places a kiss on my cheek causing me to smile.He places his mask as I get my jacket and we crawl out of the tent.Outside,Dabi had an angry pout on his face and Tomura had his hands over his chest,avoiding to look at Dabi.Toga was on that log from last night laughing her ass off while playing with her knives.Soon enough we started walking again and Dabi insisted for Toga to take his place behind Tomura and Dabi to be the third in the row.

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