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Reader's pov
I take a deep breath,resting my head on my lover's chest."Mmh.My love.." he whispers,running a hand through my hair."I love you..so much" I say,resting my head in the crook of his neck."Me too.I love you" he says and plants a kiss on my head.We stay like that a bit until I break the silence."Sako what are we gonna do with-" "Shh.Let's worry about that in the morning.Right now let's just sleep" he says and I nod.I hope we will fix things in the morning..

In the morning
"Okay let's see how you get us out of this" Sako says,putting on his top hat."It's not only my fault you know! You could help as well" I say."Ah I don't think so.You are very good with words so I'm sure you will get us out.Don't forget it was mainly your fault" he says.I sigh as we enter in the bar seeing Dabi,Shigaraki and Kurogiri."Morning" I say,quickly placing myself on the sofa."Morning" Kurogiri and Shigaraki say.I look at Sako and he nods."Uhm..Boss we have a small problem" I say making his attention turn to me."What problem?" He asks."Well you see..after that long ass mission we had yesterday and we were all exhausted,since me and my Compress share a room when we came back we threw ourselves in bed and..the bed broke" I say.Dabi looks at me with a questionable look and Shigaraki just stares at me."So?" He asks,scratching the back of his neck as usual.

"So..we need a new bed.Or a new room in case we have one free" I continue.Shigaraki sighs and takes a sip from his glass."We have a free room that's close to yours.It's almost the same anyway.Kurogiri let's go get the room ready" Shigaraki says and gets up,Kurogiri following after him.They both leave the bar leaving me and Compress with Dabi."So Y/n..your bed broke after you threw yourselves in it from exhaustion?" Dabi asks in a slight teasing tone.I instantly go red since our room is right next to Dabi's."Yes" I say,trying to keep my composure."Mhm.I see.What about you Compress? The same story?" He asks.Compress nods."Mhm.Then..why was the bed squeaking all night and there were some sounds coming from both of you hmm?" Dabi asks.I look at Compress with fear in my eyes."I don't know what you're talking about Dabi" Compress says.

"Oh come on do you think I'm that stupid? Not even Twice would trust you.Just tell me the truth come on" Dabi says.I sigh."Okay you got us we fu-" I say but Compress places a hand over my mouth."Don't say it like that! Yes Dabi,we had a sexual intercourse" Compress says making me laugh."I knew it anyway.Next time try to be more quiet I barely got any sleep.And try to not break anymore beds!" Dabi says and leaves the bar.I look at Compress who takes off his mask."I said we were too loud!" I say."You were too loud.Not me" he says."But it was your fault that the bed broke!" I say,crossing my arms over my chest."Oh yea? Should I remind you who was begging me to go harder-" I shut him up with a peck on his lips and I smile."Okay okay I got it.Anyway let's go see what Kurogiri and Shigaraki are doing there" I say and Compress chuckles.

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