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Reader's pov
I sigh as I sit down on my bed after a long mission Tomura gave me.It was a 2 days mission where I had to spy someone and write down everything they did I those 2 days I watched them.I finally came back with the notebook where I wrote everything and I gave it to Tomura who just nodded.I came back in my room and now I'm here.I get up as I walk towards the bathroom to take a shower.After 2 days of running around,sitting in trees,bushes,around corners,plus rain that decided to come right when i was there so I was soaked head to toe,I really need this shower.I turn on the water in the tub,letting it fill as I get off my clothes and i wait for the tub to fill.Some minutes pass and the tub is full with warm water as I get inside it and I relax my muscles.So comfortable..

I sat there till the water was almost cold so I quickly washed myself,rinsed and got out of the tub.I wrap a towel around myself as I walk to the sink where I brush my teeth and I apply some lip balm.Much better now.I exit the bathroom,walking back in the bedroom as I get some comfortable clothes and I lay down in bed,looking at the ceiling.I should take a nap right now..I'm exhausted after barely sleeping 5 hours in 2 days.I close my eyes but before I can fall asleep I hear knocks on my door.Ughhhhh why nowww I wanted to sleeppp.I lazily get up from the bed and I open the door revealing Mr.Compress. "Compress? What are you doing here?" I ask.He looks at me and sighs. "My apologies for disturbing you dear Y/n I know you had a long mission and you want to sleep but I have a request for you" he says.I look at him waiting to continue. "You see..I learned a new magic trick but Toga is sleeping,Dabi left when I told him,Shigaraki is in his room swearing people's lives and mothers on some game,Kurogiri doesn't have time and Spinner ignored me.You are the only person left I can show my magic trick to.Please" he says.I look at him a bit with a bored face but then I smile.

"Come in.Show me" I say.Compress suddenly hugs me while saying "thank you thank you I can finally show someone my new magic trick".I laugh as I close the door behind us and Compress fixes his orange shirt.He gets a packet of play cards and holds them in front of me. "Pick any card and don't say it out loud" he says.I look at them a bit and I pick the ace of hearts.I nod as Compress moves all the cards and places them in his pocket.He gets off his top hat as he 'searches' something in it and suddenly pulls out 3 red roses from the top hat.I look at him surprised as he hands me the flowers and I see it.Between the 3 flowers was an ace of hearts,the card I chose.I look up at him as he takes his mask off and I applaud him.Compress makes a reverence and places his top hat back on. "That was so cool" I say as I give him a smile.Mr.Compress nods and gently takes my hand.I place the flowers on the bed as I turn my attention to him.I notice him looking down from my eyes to my lips multiple times.

"May I?" He asks like the gentleman he is."Go on" I say causing him to smile.He gently grabs my waist and kisses me on the lips,making me melt on his warm and sweet lips that have a tint of coconut.We slowly get away after some seconds as Compress hugs me close to his chest.I hug him back as he kisses my forehead."Thank you Y/n" he says. "For?" I ask,confused.For letting him perform his magic trick? "For being here with me" he says while kissing me again.

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