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(In this chapter Compress is not a villain.Enjoy!!)

Reader's pov
I sigh,opening the door.Another day of work awaits.I work as a photographer and usually I have to take pictures of people who get on popular magazines covers.Usually there are only models but sometimes I get people fresh hired from agencies to pose for magazines.At first it was a nice job I mean I take pictures of models and get payed for it but slowly it starts to get boring.Not gonna lie,I see many pretty people.Beautiful woman,men,trans,many many people.Almost all of them act nice and cooperative but some of them decide to act like are some celebrities and give me attitude.Bro come on you get payed if your picture gets in some popular magazine and you give me attitude? Come on now.

Soon another model should be here to take some pictures for some magazine and also for some famous men underwear cover.I don't remember his name but anyway I usually don't get people's names.We switch some words,get ready,I take pictures of them in all different angles,they thank me and soon leave.We don't actually share names and even if we'd do,for how many people come here in a week I wouldn't be able to memorize all the names.I get the room ready for pictures and I sit down at my desk and eat my fast 'breakfast'.Two croissants and some water.Good for now I guess.As I was slowly eating my well deserved 'breakfast ' even if I did nothing until now,I hear knocks on the door.Oh shittttt.I quickly get up,fixing my desk and my myself.I open the door and my jaw drops.Outside was a tall male with pale skin,curly brown hair and hazel eyes with a small bag in his hand.This guy is so beautiful I think I just fell in love God is this your way to showing me angels exist?

"Hello.Are you Y/n? I'm here for the photo shoot" he says,his voice making my knees week.I quickly regain my composure. "U-uh yes I'm-I'm Y/n please come in" I say.The male chuckles and steps in the room.I close the door and I take a deep breath.I can't make a fool of myself in front of this fine guy. "So Y/n you probably already know.I need some normal pictures for some random magazine and some pictures for a male underwear cover" he says. "Yes i was told.With which one you wanna start?" I ask,picking up my camera."Hmm I guess with the normal ones" he says."Okay then" I say,taking his coat and placing It on a nearby hanger."Please sit on that white circle" I say,pointing at it.He nods and moves there."Oh wait I didn't catch your name" I say. "Ah my apologies it's Sako my dear" he says.I feel my cheeks warm up but I try to calm down myself.

"Okay so uh let's start shall we?" I ask.Sako nods and he starts posing.I start doing my job,making pictures each time he posed.I took all his best angles in my pictures and I made sure the people from the magazine won't regret they choose Sako for the cover.After like half an hour and many more pictures,we take a break and sit down."So how are the pictures coming out?" He asks."Oh really great actually you ate this up" I say with a laugh.He smiles and looks at me for a bit.Oh my god those hazel eyes are making my knees weak. "Here" I say giving him a bottle of water.He smiles and gently takes it from my hand.I look at his Adam apple as he drinks some of the water and broo this guy is making my mind go in places it shouldn't.For now. "Ah Y/n do you have any place to change?" He asks. "Why?" I ask confused.

He points at the small bag he came here with."I have there some of the underwear i have to wear for their cover" he says."Oh well there's the bathroom take your time" I say,pointing at a nearby door.Sako gets up from the chair and takes his bag,walking in the bathroom.And that's when it hit me.I will see this guy in underwear.I must stay focused.I try to calm myself down but just the thought of seeing this guy posing in underwear oh my god.I finally calm myself down (kind of) but the bathroom door opens revealing Sako in the underwear he has to wear.Only in underwear.My cheeks explodes with red at the sight of him and his absolute heavenly body.Come on I saw many guys in underwear and I had to reaction why am I acting like this? "I'm-I'm so sorry this is very unprofessional of me" I say,hiding my face in my hands."Ah don't worry dear Y/n I really don't mind i had such bad experiences at photo shoots that your reaction is almost nothing" he says with a laugh.

"What do you mean? If you don't mind me asking of course" I say. "It's fine don't worry.Well I had some bad experiences like usually I get female photographers and I have many photo shoots for underwear covers and trust me,in the second they see me they get really..unprofessional and flirty.It makes me uncomfortable.I really appreciate you tried to hide your pretty blushing face" he says with a chuckle. "I'm sorry to hear that it must be weird for you" I say. "I grew familiar with it at this point" he says with a shrug."Again sorry for my reaction" I say,rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly."It's fine you don't have to be sorry your reaction was nothing compared to others" he says.I nod and I point again to the white circle.Sako walks and stays on the white circle and starts posing,me taking pictures again.

Small time skip
Me and Sako finished the photo shoot,I just need to send the pictures to the company that hired him.The bathroom door opens again revealing Sako in the normal outfit he came with."I just have to send the pictures to your agency and that's all" I say.He nods and walks towards me.Sako lifts up my hand in his and gently kisses my knuckles."Thank you.I finally had a great experience at a photographer" he says.I smile and blush as he slowly lets go of my hand."Here" he says,searching something in his pocket.He gets a small paper out and hands it to me."What's th-Oh" I say.His number."You caught my eye" he says with a smile.His phone suddenly rings and he rolls his eyes. "Hello? Mhm.Yea I finished.Now? Okay see you" he hangs up and looks at me."I have to go dear.Don't forget to text me when you have time" he says.I nod."Wait before you leave here have this.Everyone who has a photo shoot here gets this" I say,getting something from the table.

He takes it and looks inside the small package."A cookie?" He asks with a smile."Yup! Everyone gets a cookie when they leave even if many models act like some celebrities and deny my cookie" I say with a pout."Well I won't deny your cookie.Thank you again" he says.I nod and I open the door for him."I will text you when I have time" I say."Please do" he says as he steps out."Have a great day Sako" I say,closing the door.Sounds of footsteps go further until I couldn't hear them anymore.This guy really gave me his number oh my goddddd he's so fine.

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