𝑺𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒑𝒕.2

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Reader's pov
I wake up by many voices around me arguing.They are yelling at each other making me flinch and cover my ears,the memories of my parents appearing in my mind.Last thing I remember is a masked man taking me from the mental hospital in a..marble? He put in a small shiny object that looked like a marble probably that's his quirk.I'm now in a chilly place with no light,I'm not tied to anything but I still feel super uncomfortable and scared.Who knows where that man took me.At this point I don't even care anymore.My parents didn't want me,they left me there and now this man took me somewhere I don't know.At this point I'm not surprised of anything.Although,the man told me he won't hurt me and stuff but of course I'm scared! I take my hands away from my ears and I notice that the yelling from before stopped.I wonder what happened..

I suddenly hear footsteps.Oh my god.The footsteps get closer and closer and the door opens.I throw a hand over my mouth and my eyes start tearing up again.The tall figure turns on the light revealing the same man that took me from the hospital.He sighs and looks directly at me."Y/n? Are you alright?" He asks.I hesitantly nod and I take my hand away from my mouth.The man approaches me and I slowly back away.He stops after seeing this and lifts up his hand to take off his top hat,placing it on the bed.Then,he takes off his mask and places it next to the top hat revealing a balaclava.Those eyes seem familiar..I look at him curiously and he slowly takes off the balaclava as well.My jaw drops as I stare at him.He's Sako.The one who made tests and helped me.I quickly get up from the bed and I jump in his arms,holding on him for dear life.

"Sako! I-I didn't know this was you.." I say as he hugs me as well."I didn't want to tell you in that moment" he says.I look in his pretty hazel eyes and i tilt my head."But..why? Is there something wrong? I have so many questions" I say.He smiles and nods."You see..it was all a lie Y/n.I don't actually work there" he says making me even more confused."I don't work at that mental hospital,it was all a lie.I wasn't supposed to..help you.But,when I saw how scared and helpless you looked behind your parents,I wanted to help you.So I took you here" he says."O-Okay but..where we are though?" I ask.He looks hesitant and nervous to tell me."It's okay if you don't want to tell me I was just curious" I continue.He sighs and places a hand on my shoulder."Y/n.I'm a villain.You are now at the league of villain's hideout" he says.I look at him surprised.

He's a villain? I'm where??? At the league of villain's hideout? Those guys are all over the news! I should be scared of them especially of Sako since he's right here and try to escape but..a part of me yells to not do it.This guy even if he's a villain wanted to help me.He was probably there to steal or something like that but he changed a bit of his plan for me.I can't be scared of this guy.He helped me and took me out of that place.I should thank him. He looks at me with worry in his eyes and I smile."It's okay Sako.I'm not scared of you.I'm actually..grateful.You saved me from those horrible people and from that place.I thank you" I say and he smiles.Sako hugs me again and kisses the top of my head.We stay like that for a bit and I look up at him."Sako?" I ask."Hm?" He asks,looking at me curiously."What if they-they find me and t-take me back" I say,hugging him tighter.

"No one will come here Y/n.No one knows the location of the hideout don't worry.You are safe here with me" he says in a calm voice.I hesitantly nod and he smiles."Come on.Are you hungry? Let's go get you something to eat" he says.I nod and he gently takes my hand in his,kissing the top of it.Sako puts on his mask and top hat then leads me out of the room in a long hallway and we walk in silence to I don't know where.After a bit,he comes to a stop in front of a room and steps inside.I follow after revealing a kind of bar with many..people inside."I got her" Sako says.Everyone stares at me and I hold Sako's hand tighter."Hiiii!! I'm Toga!" A blonde girl with two messy buns says excited after she notices me."H-Hi" I say,a bit nervous with everyone staring at me.They are all villains."Let me introduce everyone to you.That is Toga,Dabi,Spinner,Kurogiri,our leader Shigaraki,Twice and Magne" he says,pointing to everyone.

"Oh! Hello you're very pretty-no you're ugly.No I mean-" the 'Twice' guy says.I look at Sako."He has multiple personalities" Sako whispers.I nod."So you are Y/n.Do you have a quirk?" Shigaraki asks.I look at Sako.I never told him about this.I nod."What is your quirk?" He asks,scratching his neck."I'm a healer" I say.Shigaraki nods."Well you see..we need a healer in our team.So,since Mr.Compress wanted to save you so bad,what do you think about joining the league?" I look at Sako and he nods.Me? Being a villain? I never thought about this.It's not like I have something to lose.Sako it's everything I have at the moment."I'd like to" I say."Very well then.I think you don't mind sharing a room with Mr.Compress right?" He asks and I nod."Good.Well then,welcome to the league" Shigaraki says,getting up and leaving."Yesss!! Another bestie! Twice and Magne let's go show our bestie around!" Toga says,ready to get my hand.

"Woah woah slow down there Toga.Let her get used to everything and then you can show her around" Sako or 'Mr.Compress' says."Ohhhh I see.Are you perhaps..jealous dear Compress?~" Toga asks in a teasing tone."What? N-no of course not" Compress says."Mhm sure as you say" Toga says.Magne laughs in the background and Twice nods."A-Anyway me and Y/n will go now" Sako says,already out of the bar.We walk back in his room in silence when I tug at his gloved hand.He looks back at me curious and I smile."You're so cute" I say.He tilts his head and chuckles.I love those people and I barely met them.I guess this is a new start.

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