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Reader's pov
I open my eyes,looking in the spot next to me which is of course empty.Sako already left to the base.I get out of bed,walking in the bathroom and solving some things,washing my face and brushing my teeth.I walk in the kitchen only to see a phone on the counter.I open it and I see the familiar picture with me and Sako kissing.Okay this is his phone he probably forgot it this morning when he left.I didn't visit the base in a while so let's bring him his phone.I walk back in the bedroom,changing from my pajamas into some random shorts and over them I put on one of Sako's hoodies that are past my shorts.I put on some sneakers and I grab Sako's phone,walking out.I lock the door and I start walking towards the league of villain's hideout.

I plug in my headphones,playing my favorite playlist.Almost at the hideout,i turn around and make sure no one is following me.After all,i'm going at some of the most wanted villains in Japan so if anyone would follow me and find out the location of the hideout,it won't be good.After i made sure no one is following me,i enter in the base,the familiar smell from the bar meeting with my nose.I see Kurogiri,Dabi and Toga at the bar and they quickly turn around after hearing footsteps. "Hi guys!" I say with a smile."Y/NNN!!" Toga yells excited,hugging me."Hi Toga" I say,hugging her back.Once we get away,i walk at Dabi and hug him as well. "Hi Y/n" he says."Hello Dabi" i say with a smile.

"So Y/n what brings you here this morning? You already miss Compress?" Toga asks in a teasing tone."U-Uh no he forgot his uh phone at home so i wanted to bring it to him" i say,blushing."Yea yea sure come on just say you miss him" she insists."Calm down Toga look they have his phone" Dabi says,pointing at the phone in my hand."Ohhh i see.Well Compress is in his room.Give him some kisses he got mad after arguing with Tomura and he stormed out of the bar" Toga says.I nod,walking towards Sako's room and leaving the bar.For a second i forgot who 'Compress' is.I always call him Sako so i almost forgot that he has a villain name.

I'm now in front of my boyfriend's room and i knock.No answer.I knock again and i hear a loud thud along with an annoyed grunt.The door opens revealing a mad Sako without mask but with balaclava."Y/N?" Sako asks."Hi my love.I heard you are angry so i came to help with kisses" i say with a laugh.His face relaxes and smiles."Come in then" he says.I enter in his room and in the second he closed the door,i grab his face and i kiss his soft lips.Sako quickly pins me to a wall and deepens the kiss."I love you so much" i say,kissing him after each word.Sako smiles and finally looka down at what I'm wearing."Is that my hoodie?" he asks.

"Great Court,i plead guilty" I say with a laugh.Sako smiles and watches me closely."It looks good on you..but don't forget that you look so much better without it" he whispers in my ear.I blush and he chuckles."Oh yea uhm i actually came here to give you this" i say,giving him his phone.He looks at me confused but then realizes."Oh i forgot it home didn't I?" he asks.I nod and he opens his phone looking at the background with us kissing."Thank you darling" he says."No problem.I should get going now.I have to go buy some groceries,make some food for both,wash the dishes,make the-" "Sh sh sh.Don't bother cook,I'm taking you out today" he says.

"Really? Oh god then i have to go pick a cute outfit and make my eyeliner and-eeh!" I yelp as Sako lifts me up and sits down on the bed."You're not going anywhere for now" he says as he wraps his arms around me,spooning me."Okay okay but i still have to go soon" i say."I know but for now just sit here.You never know what the future can bring you" he says.I smile as i push myself even closer in his arms."I love you" i say."I love you more darling.You are my everything i don't know what i would do without you" he says."Corny" i whisper."Oh come on i don't care if it's corny or not i love you" he says,hugging me tighter to his body."I love you too Sako" i say.

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