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Reader's pov
I wipe my tears away,looking at myself in the mirror.I'm a part of the league of villains and in the last week,I've been..quiet.Very.One week ago we had a tough mission against so many heroes and one of them had an interesting quirk.He destroyed my vocal cords and took my voice away.I can't talk anymore.I don't even know when I will be able to talk again.My lover Sako was devastated,blaming everything on him,saying that it's his fault because he wasn't there to protect me.I wrote him on a paper that it's not his fault which made him even sadder.I miss seeing him smile and knowing that he's happy.The door of our shared bedroom opens revealing my lover.I look at him sadly while he takes off his mask,top hat and balaclava.Sako places them nearby then collapses on the bed.I walk to him with my notebook in my hand and I sit down next to him.

I gently tap his leg and he looks at me with a sad expression."Y/n.." he whispers.I write 'are you okay my love?' in the notebook and I turn it so he can read."Yea i'm..I'm good I just had a rough day.Plus I miss you.I miss you voice so much.I miss hearing you say corny things to me and saying how much you love me.I miss you so much" he says,small tears in his eyes.I write 'please don't cry' and I turn the notebook.He reads it and hesitantly nods.I smile,wiping off his tears with my thumb and I connect our lips.His kiss is slow and passionate,full of sadness.I look in his beautiful hazel eyes and I smile.I take the notebook again and I write 'I miss telling you how much I love you' and I peck his lips again.Sako places his hands on my waist and pulls me towards him,both falling down with me on his chest.I smile and we roll in bed together.

He laughs and plays with my hair.I missed hearing his cute laugh.We stay like that in a..pretty weird position and suddenly Sako's phone rings.He groans and picks it up."Hello?" He says."Compress? Are you with Y/n?" A voice says from the other side of the phone.I think it's Dabi."Yes I'm here with her.Why?" my lover asks."Boss wants you both here and fast.He has something to tell you" Dabi says."Okay we will be there soon" Sako says and hangs up.I look in his eyes and he sighs."Let's go darling.Boss wants to tell us something" he says and I nod.We get up from the bed and he puts on his balaclava,mask and top hat.We walk out of our shared room with his arm wrapped around my waist.I smile,leaning my head on his shoulder.Even if I can't tell him the things I used to,he's still my lover no matter what.I love him so much even if I'm not able to tell him this.

We get at the bar where I move my head from his shoulder but his arm remains still on my waist.It's not like the others don't know about us so it's all good.They are used to us being so close.We both step in the bar where Kurogiri,Dabi,Shigaraki and a mysterious man were standing.The man was trapped on a chair and had some tape on his mouth so he can't talk."Mr.Compress,Y/n,do you recognize this man?" Kurogiri asks.I didn't look at him that good only for some seconds but now that I analyze him better..he looks like..Oh.Sako's arm holds my waist tighter."You.." he whispers and lets go of me,walking towards him."Calm down Compress.We already convinced him" Kurogiri says.Sako takes a breath and I take his hand in mine,trying to calm him down.He turns to look at me and I place him down on a bar stall."Y/n,would you like to do the honors?" Dabi asks.I nod and i roughly rip the tape from the guy's mouth making him yelp in pain.

"Please let me-" I place my hand in the guy's hair and I yank his head back.I glare at him then I let go of his hair,walking back and placing myself on my lover's lap making him protectively wrap his arms around my waist."So..now that they are here as well we can talk.Last week,you used your quirk and you took Y/n's voice away.Now that you are here after you tried escaping,use that quirk of yours and give Y/n's voice back" Kurogiri says."W-what? You want me to give her voice back?" He asks.Kurogiri nods."What makes you think I will do that? I was just protecting myself with the quirk I have! I'm not giving it back" he says.I look at Shigaraki and he nods.I spawn my katana and I appear behind him,placing the sharp blade right against his neck.He holds his breath and I smile darkly."It's not like you can choose.Give her voice back" Kurogiri says."O-Okay! Okay-just-just leave me alone" he says.I get away my katana and I sit back in Sako's lap.

The guy looks directly in my eyes and says some weird things then closes his eyes.Sako rubs my hips comfortingly and places his head on my shoulder.The guy suddenly opens his eyes that are a slight color of red and i have a sharp pain in my neck.I gently place my hand on my neck and I start coughing."Are you okay?" He whispers.I nod and the feeling in my neck is getting better,not feeling that pain anymore.Everyone is looking at me and I get my hand away from my neck."It worked" the guy says.Sako gets off his mask and looks directly in my eyes."C-C-Compress.." I manage to get out,my voice extremely dry and harsh but at least,it was there.Sako's arms hold me tighter and he smiles."You can talk.." he whispers."Let's go now" Dabi says as he takes the guy away and walks with him in the basement door.I turn around and I deeply kiss him."Compress..I missed you so much.I love you.I love you I love you" I whisper,hugging him.

Sako lifts me up and walks at the door."Thank you" he says to Shigaraki and Kurogiri who nod.Sako quickly runs in our shared room and he places me on the bed,hugging me."My love.." he whispers."Sako..I can finally talk.I can finally talk to you..my pretty boy" I say,kissing his cheek.He smiles,hugging me even tighter."Also uhm..what is Dabi gonna do with that guy in the basement?" I ask.Sako stops for a second then smiles."Uhm..let's talk about something else" he says and we both laugh.I missed talking to him so much.

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