𝑪𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒐𝒏 𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒚

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Reader's pov
"Come on Dabi pleasee" I say,the 20th time in the last hour."I said no.I'm busy Y/n sorry go ask someone else" he says."But I asked many of the you and all said the same thing! Why are y'all so stiff?" I ask.He shrugs and walks away.I'm alone.Again.I wanted to go at a carnival but no one wants to go with me and I don't want to go alone but I guess I have no choice.I sigh,walking out of the base alone.Those mf's refused to go with me.Meh.I guess I can still have fun even without them.I walk in the city towards the carnival and I plug in my headphones,placing them in my ears.I play my favorite song and I sigh,looking up at the calm night sky.If Mr.Compress was at the base,I'm sure he would've come with me but unfortunately he is in a mission.I walk in the carnival area,seeing many people and so many cool stuff.

I smile,looking around at all the things in this area.While I was walking around,looking for something nice to watch or buy with the money I have,my phone starts ringing,interrupting my music.I curiously get it from my pocket and I see 'Mr.Magician' on my screen."Hello?" I say,picking up the call."Y/n? Hello.Where are you?" I hear his voice from the other side."Uhmmm I'm at the carnival.I asked others to come with me but they were all busy so I went by myself.Why?" I ask."I just returned for my mission and I didn't see you around so I decided to call you.Also,you said you're at the carnival.Do you mind me sliding as well?" He asks."Not at all! I'd like some company actually.I will wait for you at the main entrance" I say."Okay see you.Take care" he says and hangs up.I slowly walk back to the main gate and I think about it.He said to take care? He cares about me or?

I smile as I get to the main entrance and I lean on the closest wall.I sit there with music in my ears,waiting for Compress to get here until I turn my head and I see exactly something that I didn't want to.Fuck fuck fuck.I instantly call Compress."Yes Y/n? I'm almost there" he says."Compress I'm at the main entrance next to a wall and there are pro heroes approaching" I say.He stops for a second."Try to hide your face so they don't recognize you.Plus,i don't think they will start a fight in such a place.Don't worry I'm almost there" he says in a calm but slightly panicked voice."Okay.Okay please hurry" I say and I hang up.I look at them with the corner of my eye and I see 4 pro heroes.Eraserhead,Present Mic,Midnight and Mt.Lady.They are close to the main entrance so I try to hide my face without getting their attention.Thankfully they go inside and don't pay attention to me.I let out the breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

I hear footsteps approaching so I look behind me and I see Compress approaching.I smile,walking up to him as well."Hi Compress" I say,wrapping my arms around him taking him by surprise."Hi Y/n" he says,hugging me as well.We sit like that for some seconds until I get away and I smile."Where are the pro heroes?" He asks."They went inside.Thankfully they didn't see me" I say and he nods."Good.Well let's go as well" he says and we intertwine our arms together.We walk through the entrance and look around."Let's go get cotton candy" I say excited and Compress nods.We go and get some cotton candy and I smile at Compress.I rip some of the sweet thing in my hand and I start eating."Don't you want some?" I ask.Compress says nothing as I keep eating small parts of it,the pink candy melting on my tongue.Compress takes off his mask revealing his balaclava and he slightly smiles.

"Actually..I do want some" he says.I place the cotton candy closer to him but Compress ignores it."Uhm you said you want so-" he cuts me off by pressing his lips against mine while placing a hand on my cheek.My eyes widen and I moan in surprise.Before I can react he gets away and slowly licks his lips."Mhm.Strawberry.Sweet" he says.My cheeks are the same color like our friend Keigo's feathers.Compress chuckles and runs his fingers through my hair."You're so cute" he says.I look in his eyes and I smile."C-Compress I-" "No need to say anything dear.Let's go on the Ferris Wheel soon there will be fireworks" he says and I nod.We finish the cotton candy and go on the Ferris Wheel,holding hands.I'm all red from the feeling of his gloved hand holding mine and he barely did something.Compress gets two tickets for us and we go on the wheel.

We sit down inside a cabin from the wheel and after some seconds it starts lifting up slowly.Compress gently takes my hand and kisses the top of it.He takes off his mask again and smiles at me.We look into each others eyes and i smile wide.Suddenly there are fireworks in the distance and they are so beautiful from here..all different kinds of colors,lighting up the calm night sky.Compress gently cups my face and kisses me again,more gentle this time."Y/n i..i like you.I did for a while now.Will you give me this opportunity to make you mine?" he asks in a calm and loving tone."Yes Compress.I-I like you too" i say and he smiles.We kiss again and I rest my head on his chest,watching the fireworks with him."They are so beautiful" I say.I feel his hand tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and kiss the top of my head."Just like you" he whispers.I look up in his hazel eyes and I laugh."Smooth" I say and we both laugh.It's way better that the others didn't want to go with me so I'm here with Compress.

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