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The sky was cloudy and the air felt a bit chilly, but I decided to head to the backyard of the dorm to try and train for a bit. I couldn't rely on my quirk every time I had to fight.

From one of the windows, I saw Katsuki staring at me and when we made eye contact I smiled and waved at him, he stared at me with his crimson eyes wide open and a cute blush painted his cheeks.

I laughed and turned around to start stretching for a bit.


I checked my phone when I was done, and realized it had been almost three hours. Yes, it rained but I didn't mind it, so I kept training for a bit longer. Now, the rain had stopped and I was drenched in water and sweat. I sighed and decided to call it a day.

My legs felt heavy making me walk slowly, and when I was about to go around the corner so I could go back inside, a voice stopped me.

It was Tokuda-san's voice.

"He didn't just save a family member. He brought light into my life. I'm really grateful for that."

I knew it was wrong to eavesdrop on a conversation that wasn't my concern...

I really, really should have minded my business and walked away.

"Really...?" That was Izuku's voice.

"That's why his retirement surprised me. What would happen with the superhuman society now that it lost its Symbol of Peace?" Why are they talking about All Might...? "Midoriya-kun."

Izuku replied with a 'Yes?'.

"There's hope. Now it's your turn."

All Might's words echoed inside my head. It seemed like it had only happened yesterday when All Might fought that 'All For One' villain and we rescued Katsuki.

"Eh? Is it a picture? But you don't have a camera. You even printed it," I didn't pay too much attention to the next phrases, and I was about to show up just so I could make my way inside because I had lost interest in this conversation, but Tokuda-san said something else that made me stay still.

"All Might's words during the Kamino incident... as I thought, they were directed to you." For a moment, I held my breath, scared that any of them would hear me, and stopped to think for a moment.

I had no idea what all of this was. But maybe...?

"You finally made yours what you took, huh?" Those were Katsuki's words after the first part of our provisional license exam. No, wait... why would that have anything to do with the current situation?

"While I was investigating I found out many similarities. The quirk you manifested is a power one. You tried to save Bakugou when a villain captured him during middle school. All Might was the one who saved both of you. You got into UA at the same time he began working as a teacher." All of that happened before I met Katsuki? "I also went to the Pussycats' agency. I met Kota-kun."

Oh yeah, the savage kid who punched Izuku's testicles.

"There I confirmed my suppositions. What do you think about my deductions?" As I waited for Izuku's answer to the situation, my phone vibrated inside my pocket, making me jump in fright.

Thank god it didn't have sound, or I would have been exposed to them.

It was a text from Katsuki.


Dinner is ready.

Come back inside quickly, I wanna see you.

His text melted my heart and made me forget for a moment about the situation around the corner.

;I'll be there in a bit, puppy.

Don't call me that, damn it.

I held my laugh and decided to go the longer way towards the other side of where I was standing, I didn't mind going the long way around to give them the privacy they expected to have.

When I was right around the corner, I took a deep breath and held my phone out, smiling and chuckling at the screen as if I were talking with somebody.

Then I looked up.

"Oh! Izuku, Tokuda-san, hello." I bowed to the man who smiled at me.

"Hello, (L/n)-kun." I grinned at him.

"By the way, dinner's ready, Izuku," I walked up the stairs and opened the door, walking in and closing it behind me.

Should I ask Izuku about what I heard...?


Even if I was hungry before, now I was just staring at my plate full of food, poking and moving it around with my chopstick.

Until I felt somebody hitting the back of my head.

"What's gotten into you, asshole?" I glanced at Katsuki and tried to smile, but my mouth felt too heavy at the moment.

Izuku was... All Might's successor? What did that even mean?

I looked up from my plate, staring ahead. Izuku was at the table across from us, and he was facing me, so when he felt me staring at him, he stopped laughing and made eye contact with me.

I couldn't maintain our eye contact, so I glanced away and stood up.

"I'm heading to bed. Good night." I heard everybody saying a big 'Good night!' at me while hearing Iida exclaiming something about brushing my teeth.

The halls were silent and only the echoing of my steps was audible.

I opened my bedroom door and rested my back on it when I closed it behind me.

My mind was racing. I couldn't stop thinking. Because if Tokuda-san didn't even say goodbye to us after talking with Izuku... it was because he wanted to get information. Also, Izuku didn't deny his words right away, which made me think it was the truth.

But then maybe I'm just making assumptions on my own and I know it has nothing to do with me anyway. It's just...

Agh, I don't know anymore. Should I ask somebody about this? Maybe Izuku, or All Might?

And that was how before I decided to ignore the situation, I grabbed my phone and texted him.

;I have to talk to you.

;Come to my room at midnight.

I left it on my bed and went to take a shower, thoughts swimming around inside my mind, and I felt like I was going to have a painful headache.

After twenty minutes of staying under the warm water, I got out and brushed my teeth, putting on my nightwear when I was done.

On my bed, my phone was illuminating the dim room, and I grabbed it.


Okay, I'll go.

But, what do you want to talk about, (M/n)-kun?

;I'll tell you when you come here, Izuku.

I pulled away the chair of my desk and sat down before turning to face my laptop, cracking my knuckles and getting ready to spend my time trying to distract myself until midnight.

Paralyze |Bakugou Katsuki x Male!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now