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"Your daughter..." I started, looking up at him trying to keep my face neutral, "Seems to be scared of something." I stared down at her again, and tears were filling her red eyes so I touched her hair again to help her calm down.

"That's because I scolded her a while ago," I nodded without taking my eyes off of her and I tried to say something else. Even if the bandages covering her limbs weren't from normal injuries, there wasn't evidence to prove it.

"Let's keep moving our way," Togata senpai's voice was clear. He wanted us to drop the subject and just make it seem like nothing happened.

But if I know Izuku the way I know him, he would-

"But those injuries don't seem like the ones a kid gets when they play..." -voice out his thoughts.

"She tends to fall a lot..." Chisaki said, but that was a terrible lie.

"A little girl like her, shaking, scared and not saying a word... that doesn't seem normal to me." Chisaki was getting mad by now, I was thinking the same way as Izuku, but the suspicion wouldn't be good for the investigation Sir was doing.

"Izuku, I know how you feel, but this isn't the moment. If she's in danger... we'll save her later." Izuku looked at me and I saw how serious he was. "You want... to save her now, right?" He nodded once and I sighed, "Me too. But... please, just-"

"What are you doing to this girl?" He asked firmly, without letting me finish.

-don't get us in trouble...

I thought this was it, all of Sir's work just got thrown into the trash and Chisaki was probably going to do something to us, but all he did was sigh. "All the heroes are so perceptive. Well, it's something embarrassing... I don't want to talk about it in an open place, could you follow me over here?" Chisaki turned around and began walking into the alleyway he and his daughter came out of.

Izuku stood up and I did too, especially because the girl was still holding me too, so she pulled me up with Izuki. Togata senpai, Izuku and I made eye contact, I knew what he was trying to say to us. I nodded and followed them.

I stayed a bit behind, looking at the girl and smiling at her. I stroked her hair and softly pinched her cheek, "What's your name, honey?" She stared at me, with her eyes filled with fear.

"Eri..." I smiled more and caressed her cheek, she leaned against it, and that made my heart ache.

"So Eri-chan, right?" Eri nodded and I observed her, "You're a pretty girl, Eri-chan, and your horn is really cute," she blushed a bit and hid her face in Izuku's costume.

"Thank you, sir." I chuckled and she grinned a bit.

"You can call me (M/n), I'm not that old, Eri-chan." For a moment I went serious and got close to her ear. "We probably can't help you now, Eri-chan, but we'll come back for you and rescue you, okay?" She stared at me with surprise. Thankfully, Izuku and Togata senpai had been talking as a distraction, and that worked to make Chisaki unaware of my words.

"Promise?" Her eyes teared up and I nodded looking into her eyes.

"I promise, but keep it a secret okay?" She nodded and tried to smile a bit.

And finally, we stopped.

We saw how Chisaki slipped one of his gloved fingers into his gloved hand and that made Eri-chan jump off Izuku, running towards Chisaki. That surprised me but also made me feel even more determined.

I'll save you Eri... that's what heroes do.

"You're done with your tantrum?" And she just nodded in silence, her head down. "She's always like this. I'm sorry, thank you for deviating from your way to listen to my problems. Excuse me for causing you trouble," he held Eri's hand and slowly walked away. "Well, then, good luck with your job."

"Wait! Why...?" Togata senpai and I extended our arms out, holding Izuku back to prevent him from going after them.

"Don't go after him, didn't you notice? He just showed us his attempt to kill us." I stared ahead, where the two had disappeared.

"That's how he got her to go back with him, Izuku." He looked at senpai, and then at me as we talked. "If we persecute him too much, he will be harder to catch. Let's just follow Sir's orders."

We made our way back and continued our patrol for a bit, only stopping when Togata senpai took his phone out and made a call. Izuku and I stayed behind him and I saw the green-haired boy's expression.

"We'll save her, Deku..." he looked at me with confusion, "I promised Eri-chan we'll save her, because... we're heroes." His eyes teared up and he closed them.

"When we have our costumes, we are heroes." He repeated senpai's words and I hugged him.

"So, don't worry too much, we will rescue Eri, together, okay?" He nodded against my chest and senpai ended his call, a momentary surprised look on his face which faded almost immediately.

"We have to go and reunite with Sir and Bubble Girl, let's go." We followed senpai and on our way, Izuku was silent. Every now and then Togata senpai and I would talk, but it never lasted long.

The three of us were shaken at that encounter and the impotence of not being able to help Eri, and we were busy thinking all the way to the meeting point, not caring about the rain starting to fall on us.


"We're really sorry! We got ourselves in a problem!" That was the first thing senpai told Sir, "We never imagined we would encounter him around a corner like a transfer student or something!" Sir lifted his hand and apologized.

"No, that was a mistake on my part. If I had tried to use my quirk in any of you this wouldn't have happened." Right after he said that I felt my phone vibrate, but I ignored it, this was serious.

"Anyway, I'm glad you're okay! If you had made a wrong move you would've alerted him and it could have been dangerous." I couldn't help but agree with what Bubble-chan, and then Izuku said something about how Chisaki just didn't look that scary.

After that, Sir told us about the incident that happened a few days ago and how the Shie Hassaikai were the bystanders.

I knew about that incident. I saw it in the news when it happened, but Sir's explanation was more detailed than what was said on TV.

And Bubble-chan told us about how they kept an eye on that incident, also saying something more about Chisaki. I didn't really hear it all, I was only able to think about Eri.

I noticed they were walking, so I followed them, staying at the back.

"Ah, I almost forgot it! Sir!" Togata senpai called him, and he turned to look at him. "Talking of injuries... we have some new information! Chisaki has a daughter!"

"A daughter?"

"Her name was 'Eri'. She had bandages around her legs and arms, and she was completely terrified," Izuku explained and I just bit my tongue.

I feel so useless... I could've...

I should've done something! But I remembered my training during my internship after the Sports Festival.

When Sir explained to me that rescuing people doesn't happen at that exact moment. Or at least, not always. Especially when it's a situation like the current one. Sometimes you just have to wait and create the perfect plan to assure their safety.

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