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Everyone looked around after I voiced my question, but Lockrock spoke.

"He jumped to protect Eraser too, but he was absorbed into Fatgum's body," I nodded in understatement.

"Paralyze," Sir called me. "Go and look for Lemillion, I have... a bad feeling."

This is unusual, Sir never had a bad feeling, and if he did he ignored it or looked into the future, but... his voice was serious and kind of nervous. Without hesitating, I nodded and ran ahead as the walls were shifting again.

I ran through the halls, remembering the right way, and far ahead I encountered another freaking wall. I didn't stop running, and clenching my jaw, I enhanced my arms, placed them in front of me like a shield and broke through it.

My jacket ripped in some places and my hands had some rubble sticking into them, making me wince in pain. But when I looked up, I noticed two unconscious bodies and a weird wall.

Togata senpai's voice was coming through it.

I got closer quietly but quickly, noticing there was a tiny opening where I could squeeze through, but before I did that, I peeked through it.

And I did just in time.

"A hero's cape..." senpai punched Chisaki, who fell back, "It's to protect a little girl who's feeling a terrible pain!" Moving a bit to get a better look, I noticed another one of Chisaki's allies.

I recognized him as Kurono, I made him stop as he went to grab the gun, and then senpai kicked him away.

Then I made my entrance, squeezing in the gap and hiding behind one of the sharp rocks that Chisaki had made.

And that was when I made eye contact with Eri, who was covered by senpai's cape, she seemed happy for a second but then her eyes were filled with tears, a sad expression on her face.

It broke my heart.

But that aside for a second, I peeked a bit and Chisaki was about to touch the ground, so I stopped his arm.

"Ugh!" He groaned painfully and suddenly made eye contact with me, "You goddamn brats!" My quirk released him and his hands touched the ground, Togata senpai ran to hold Eri up, "Give me Eri back!"

His attack didn't do anything to me because I jumped and my fingers broke the ceiling, holding onto it, and for a few seconds, I stopped Chisaki again.

I would've made him pass out, but he was moving around too much! Even when my quirk was affecting him.

My fingers let go of the ceiling and my enhanced legs broke the ground and shook it.

While Togata was fighting Chisaki, I stopped his muscles, allowing senpai to get more hits on him, but I failed to notice the noise coming from my side.

"I am..." senpai punched Chisaki hard, making him fall to the ground, "Stronger!"

But his hand reached inside his jacket, pulling something out and staring towards his left, "Shoot, Nemuto!"

Chisaki yelled and threw something close to where I was.

My eyes drifted to my right side, where Nemuto was conscious and grabbing the gun, loading it with the two quirk-disable bullets that fell out of the casket. He was aiming at Eri.

It felt like forever, but the two seconds after I activated my quirk went past and he groaned in pain, but his finger on the trigger of the gun still pulled it. I moved towards it, willing to get hit by it, but it ripped a piece of my jacket and went straight at Togata senpai, who had run to protect Eri.


I turned back to Nemuto, who was still holding the gun up, but now pointing at me. Now I concentrated my quirk on making him pass out, but the mixed feelings I had inside made me lose focus and his arm stayed still.

He was going to shoot me now too...

Right as I was going to allow him to shoot at me, my mind flashed with the memory of Eijiro and I talking during the special attacks training.

"I'm curious, (M/n)." His voice made me turn to look at him, "If you made your muscles as strong as they can, could your body turn like mine?" And he showed me his hardened arm.

I've trained that secretly, and I could never do it.

But now it was worth the try.

I stored all of the energy in my left arm, tensing my muscles until the point of pain, but I kept going, right before the muscles ripped. As I did this, everything seemed to be going in slow motion, but it wasn't, and that bullet was just shot out of the gun's barrel.

Quickly... faster... come on.

The entirety of my left arm was glowing a light blue, getting darker the more I forced it to harden until it just disappeared.

Or it seemed like it did.

But it had become transparent and had the same patterns Eijiro has on him when he's hardening his body. It was like a reptile's skin almost, covering my left arm's skin.

And then the bullet hit it.

A stinging pain went through my whole body, making me slightly stumble back, but my quirk was still there, the energy shield disappearing.

"Wha-?!" Nemuto's surprised voice made me stare at him.

And I finally made him pass out.

Togata senpai got up, and we looked at each other, I felt bad for not being able to protect him, but I couldn't think about that now.

We have a fight to win and a little girl to save.

"It's funny. The girl you're trying to save... her power has just taken away everything!" Chisaki was about to kneel to touch the floor, but suddenly senpai kicked Kurono and his unconscious body flew towards Chisaki, allowing Togata to run and punch him.

During the next minutes that followed, I spent it stopping Chisaki's muscles and stomping down the ground or punching his pointy pillars as they were shot my way. I was feeling the muscles on my left arm tensing painfully, but I couldn't... I wasn't going to stop.

Not until I knew Eri was safe.

But at the moment... Togata senpai and I were too worn out and I was reaching my limit, a piercing headache making my eyes twitch and my jaw clench.

Our costumes were ripped everywhere and I had completely lost my jacket, half of my t-shirt was intact, and my body had quite a few scratches and a couple of deep wounds, but I managed to break his attacks right as they were about to pierce through my stomach. I also tried to take care of most attacks towards Chisaki because I noticed it.

Togata wasn't using his quirk. At all. And I could only assume those bullets had been completed.

I just got lucky with an improvised move on the spot. It should've been me, senpai had more chances and he was better than me-

A tiny hand gripping my jeans made me face away from Chisaki and look down. Eri was looking up at me, with those round red eyes of hers.

"Don't lose... please..." her eyes filled with tears and she pressed her face against my leg, "You promised it..."

"We probably can't help you now, Eri-chan, but we'll come back for you and rescue you, okay?" She stared at me with surprise.


"I promise, but keep it a secret, okay?" She nodded and smiled a bit.

That's right.

My jaw tightened and I placed my hand on top of her head, caressing her white flowy hair.

"We will win, Eri-chan." I stared into Chisaki's eyes with pure hatred, "And I'll make you smile again."

Paralyze |Bakugou Katsuki x Male!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now