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"(M/n)-kun," I turned around at the sound of my name being called, Izuku was standing there, Katsuki trailing behind him slightly, his expression more relaxed than usual, both wearing the sports uniform, "All Might agreed to supervise our training today."

They had literally approached me right as I reached my bedroom door, about to do the same as they did -which was change into my sports uniform-, and I nodded. "Alright, I'll meet you guys downstairs," Izuku nodded and turned around to leave, but Katsuki stayed there, hands in the pockets of his pants, "You wanna come in, love?"

Without saying a word, he nodded and we walked into my room together. Neither of us said a thing, but the silence wasn't awkward, it was reassuring in a way. I began taking my blazer off while Katsuki closed the door behind him, and soon I unbuttoned my shirt, pulling my tie undone, leaving everything on the backrest of my desk chair. That left me in my undershirt and uniform pants.

Katsuki sat on my bed, leaning back and holding himself up with his left hand, staring up at me in complete silence. I took a deep breath and reached my hand out to gently cup his face in my palm, he leaned on it and his eyes fluttered closed for a short moment.

"Stop making me worry like that, dumbass," he mumbled, lifting his free hand up to hold my wrist, and I showed him a small smile that disappeared immediately after, "You're stronger than everyone else, (M/n)... Believe me."

Slowly, he began standing up, letting go of my hand which slowly made its way down to my side, and he moved closer to me, standing face-to-face in the middle of my room. Without uttering another word or releasing a sound, he leaned up and placed a kiss on my cheek, lingering for a good couple of seconds.

Stepping back, Katsuki looked into my eyes as I felt my body covered in goosebumps at his kind and adorable gesture. I noticed his crimson eyes trail down to my arms and he smirked, letting out a short chuckle as he turned toward the door and walked out with a wave.

I watched him leave and close the door behind him, and an exhale of breath escaped me. I had no idea I was even holding my breath.

"Katsuki..." I whispered to myself and closed my eyes, covering my face with my hands and tilting my head forward, "Fucking-," My heart was beating incredibly fast and I could feel my face burning, but I tried to ignore it and focus on getting changed, ready to train with Katsuki and Izuku for a while.


Before we started, All Might made it very clear to me that I wasn't gonna do much today since, according to Aizawa, I was still recovering from Kyushu and the Nomus, which to be fair, I was but it's not like I was a fragile, porcelain doll.

Still, I agreed to train what I could, and simply watch those two go at it like cats and dogs.

The training time I had was well spent either way. Izuku explained pretty well how he uses Air Force with One For All. So after trying it out a few times, maybe like four or five, I was able to get a good amount of energy bullets released without getting stuck or fucking it up.

Of course, all the while I was next to Izuku I could feel Katsuki's heavy stare on us, and as I glanced over, I saw him talking to All Might. The last time I made eye contact with his crimson eyes, I smiled and slightly waved at him, watching him hide his smile behind the collar of his zipped uniform. It got quite cold at night, and Katsuki wasn't moving around like Izuku so I figured he was probably feeling cold.

We continued a couple more times while Izuku rambled about how he got to the point of being able to control his quirk at twenty per cent power, when All Might called out for me, "Enough training for today, young (L/n)," I looked at him and saw him beckoning me to sit on Katsuki's spot as the blond stood up and began doing some stretching.

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