Chapter 2 ( Alone in A Scary Room ) *Demo's Pic *

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 T • R • A • V • E • L     T • O        H • E • L • L 

C h a p t e r   T w o

After I heard something from the next room, I had an uneasy feeling and only there was only one question that i asked my self from time to time , Is everything going to be alright?

I dont know what might happen if i went there, maybe there would be a killer or maybe a monster.. everything is possible right ?.

I took a deep breath, wanting to make these crazy ideas out of my mind, i need to focus.

Relax Alex, Everything is fine i thought hoping that i didn't lie to myself.

I went there as fast as I could. I wanted to slow down a bit, but I couldn't. My legs were moving by themselves.

I unexpectedly saw a black cat. The cat's tail was so long, its eyes were shining like diamonds and had a white feet . I wanted to hug it. It was so adorable - even though it wasn't a good time to add comments.

Suddenly, I felt like someone was behind me, pushing me lightly, at first i thought that it was just the air but the feeling was getting more and more stronger.

I didn't want to look behind me because I already had enough of that. Plus, I get scared easily. I also saw a lot of horror movies last night. The hero just looked behind and then sees something unpleasant. Well, all movies are like that.

I made my decision to look back anyway. Did I have any other choice? 

No i didn't.

At that instant, I felt like someone with really strong arm was pushing me and it was't the same light push.

I couldn't stop myself from falling inside the room near the cat. The door closed on me immediately. I heard the sound of someone locking the door. It's locked? Hey, hey, how is that happening?and why did he lock the door ?.

One thing i knew that I'm not going to just shut up like a good girl.

''Open, OPEN!'' I screamed helplessly but there was no answer.

After many attempts of trying to open the door, I felt like I lost all my power so I sat on the floor to get some rest. The floor was really cold, but there wasn't anywhere else to sit.

From all the weird scary things that have happened to me, I think I did well for not fainting or crying, i guess at least for now. While I was sitting, I felt the wind brush against my neck.

''Breeze? From where? There are no windows in this room.'' i said to myself

I examined the area around me. Hopefully, I'll find a window to get out of here. Any window - just need a window!

Then, I spotted a window but a huge closet blocked it. The closet was really old. Of course I can't move the closet. I sighed. I wanted to get out of this room. I feel like I'm in 'SAW', the disgusting movie.

I wanted to find a solution for this problem, and fast, so I thought maybe I can look at what is inside the closet.

After opening the first door, it was empty and had a really thick layer of dust, but I didn't lose my hope.

Want to test my patience? Bring it on.

I looked at the second door and found lots of scarves, but nothing interesting, why would someone keep alot of scarves in here anyway ?..

 Then I tried to open the last door. It was old and i couldn't open it, but I was able to open it with a bit of power.

I surprisingly found an old doll. I grabbed it and removed the thick layer of dust and studied it.

The doll had a blond hair with green eyes that matches mine... perfectly, if someone wanted to make a doll version of me then i would look exactly like this.

After looking looking at the doll for a few times i remembered something.

Oh God! How did my doll get here? I remember putting it near my bed... Oh, Alex don't be silly! There is no way this could be m-my doll right...?, it was the same doll that Lena gave me as a gift in my sixteen's birthday, I trembled at the thought. I shoved the doll back into the closet again. I just want to forget what i saw.


I remembered the black cat. Hmm... Where did it go? Although it wasn't the right time to think about that cat , I gave the room a quick scan... but... I couldn't find it.

I started to get nervous and scared with every second that passed. Then I heard a soft meow. It was the cat!

"Oh, hey little cat, where were you? Do you know how much you scared me?'' 

The cat jumped out of my hands. I felt like the cat wanted me to see something behind the boxes. I looked at the accumulated boxes. 

''Do you want me to look behind those boxes, hmm.. sorry ... but I have a lot work to do now," I said that with a big sigh while looking at the small room. I could see everything clearly, but I still felt like there was something missing.

The cat didn't give up on trying to get me to see what was behind those boxes. I finally decided to get the work done as fast as I could so I could continue searching for the exist. I started to carry one box after another and put them aside. 

After half an hour, I surprisingly found a little hole that I could barely fit into. I was unbelievably happy! I took a deep breath and crawled into the hole. 

Without knowing where I was heading off to, I crawled into the hole. I was really tired, but I gathered all my strength to get out.

Finally, I saw light outside of the hole. I increased my pace. I just wanted to get out. Who wouldn't? 

After I got out, I was at my limit. I could hardly take any more steps, so I just sat under a tree. 

Suddenly, I felt something soft touching me. I was so surprised that I hit my head. 

''Ouch... Gosh, I really like to hit my head against things.'' 

Then I noticed that the soft thing was a familiar black cat. ''Did you follow me? Hmm...''

I had a feeling that the cat didn't really follow me or anything because I didn't even hear its steps back in the hole. How did the cat even reach this place? 

I gave up on thinking about that because I had already a lot of other things I needed to think about - like who pushed me, and why? Where did everybody disappear to?

As the seconds passed by, the questions were increasing rapidly. My head was almost at its limit. 


Hope that you liked this chapter ;) 

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Edited by : Editor4U 

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