Chapter 11 ( Sad Memories )

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All my life I'd thought that if I closed my eyes rather than opened them to see the truth, everything would be okay. Faking smiles, having a life built up of my lies: none of that was bad. I just wondered who'd destroyed it...and when.

The bath water was getting deeper and deeper. Everything was black down there - it was like a bottomless pit. All I could see was a bright light up above me. It felt so terrifying but so peaceful, too. 

The feeling of being submersed in water had me thinking I was flying. It was freeing, in a way. But I still wished I had the power to release myself from those long hands pulling me into the dark.

Alex... Alex, don't worry. We're going to have fun together...

That voice always made me tremble. It was the voice of a woman. It was deep, really deep, and hearing someone say something like that made me wonder. Was she lonely? She sounded it. And how does she know me? Why me? I couldn't see the others here having this problem.

Suddenly, I heard somebody knock at the door, “Alex, are you there? Is everything alright?”

For a while, there was just silence. I couldn’t get any words out, they were stuck in my throat, but inside I was screaming. I wanted him to open the door and help me.

I heard the creak of the bathroom door opening. It was a relief to hear it. Somebody was here!

“Alex. Alex, are you there?”

Someone was calling me from outside. Their voice was so familiar. It sounded like Rin!

Tears began to fall from my eyes. He must be there!

I tried desperately to move but I was trapped under the icy water.

“Alex...You are mine! Only mine!”

No, no! I didn’t want to be possessed by somebody. I wanted to get out of the water.

Silently, I begged for Rin to notice me. He was looking at the water, staring at it intently.

Notice me! Yes! Please!

But he didn’t. He turned around and shut the bathroom door. I wanted to scream for him to come back but I couldn’t.

I felt someone’s arms wrap tightly around my chest. It was like they were hugging me from behind with cold hands and a suffocating grip.

“Don’t worry, Alex. He can’t see you. He’s far away.”

Would I die like this? I had never thought that I would die like this. Even when I watched my own Father drown in front of my eyes...I’d never expected the same fate for myself.

I remember it so clearly. We’d been in the sea and had us churning and swirling around like peas in soup. We reached a colossal rock and I tried to hold his hand to pull him up. Instead, he held my face in his hands and stroked my cheeks, smiling. He pushed me up the rock and made sure I was safe. I was so confused - why wouldn’t he let me take him? Did he know another way?

Of course not. He just fell from the rock into the sea and never resurfaced.

At first, I thought he was swimming elsewhere, searching for something. But after a long time - maybe days - he still didn’t return and I knew he was gone. I cried and screamed and ached, hoping someone would notice me. But nobody did.

I stayed there for hours waiting for someone. I didn’t even know if anybody would come. Some people came and helped me find my Dad. They dragged him ashore, saying he’d been gone for hours. They said it would’ve been painless as he got knocked unconscious.

But it wasn’t fair. Why’d he have to die at all? It was because of me. Because I had been stupid and swum so far away. I can’t remember how many days I spent crying.

My Mom was always saying that it wasn’t my fault, that it was fate. She acted so strong in front of me but I knew she must’ve been crying inside. It was then that I realised I couldn’t rely on anyone - not even my own mother.

After remembering all those things, I felt ready to give up, to close my eyes and accept my face like my Dad.

“Good, Alex. Good! Come to me, come to me!”

That was when I saw a silhouette dive into the water and make his way towards me. I couldn’t see their face but I knew it must’ve been Rin.

No! No! You aren’t going to take her from me!”

The woman was screaming; she was really angry. The water seemed to quake around us but that didn’t stop Rin.

He came to me and held my hands, pulling me up. But those long hands were trying to get me pulled down. So, he kicked at the hands with his legs to make them release me.

I was looking up at the light. I was getting closer and closer to it until, finally, I was out of the water.

Rin grabbed me and threw me toward the maid that was wearing a black mask. I didn’t realise that he had been pulled back down into the water.

His eyes were angry - those eyes weren’t normally so scary. He looked ready to kill someone - they looked to be blackened over. Even the area that usually gleamed white had turned black. I wanted to move closer to check his face more clearly.

But the maid’s hand blocked me. She put her hands over my eyes. At first, everything felt normal. But then I felt as if I was getting sleepy and I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up, I saw Stevian next to me holding a cup of tea. Steam was rising from it. He placed it on the table beside me and came closer.

“Hey,” I said. He smiled at me. My heard was hurting a little and I think he noticed that.

He pointed at the cup, “Here. This will make you feel better.” I nodded and drank some. Three words: It. Was. Delicious. No, really, I meant it. It tasted really sweet and soft.

Stevian laughed when he saw my face, “You’re better now!”

I looked at him, faking a smile because I remembered what had happened, “Where’s Rin?”

He pointed towards the door, “He’s helping Leon and Len.”

“I’m really sorry,” I looked at the cup of tea. “I always make people worried here.” Stevian put his hand on my shoulder.

“Don’t worry. Everything’s alright,” he said. I looked at his face and melted, relaxed now. “It’s not bad to be worried about someone because this place is really boring.” He suddenly looked sad. I didn’t understand what he meant so I nodded.

“So...What happened? I mean in the bath?” I asked.

“Nothing. Why are you asking that?”

“I mean: what happened after Rin stopped me drowning?” I put the mug down on the table and looked into Stevian’s eyes, “What? Drowning? What are you talking about?”

He was confused, “Rin came to check on you and said he saw you pass out...”


Hope that you like this chapter ;)  

Edited by : lydiad55  ( THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH ;) )

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