Chapter 7 (Tour In The Castle 2 )*Rin's Pic*

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Leon continued showing me the rooms, everything looked luxurious, I could tell by one look that this castle is old and it had a great past with past kings, and many wars. 

But why I can’t find any pictures in this castle? Did they hate having pictures of previous kings? Or was the little new king so jealous? I didn't like him anyway.

But I didn't only notice that, I also noticed that every time I walk in any room  I hear laughs and sometimes words but I can’t understand them like they were from a different language, but I knew one thing that they were talking to me.

I ignored it since it wasn't the only thing that isn't normal; anyway I was thinking why Leon was skipping some rooms? He wasn't showing me all of them, maybe they are private?

But.... there was something else, something strange, this place, this castle why do it all look so... I don't know, not familiar but more like.......... I don't know every time I touch something it gets me to remember that dream that I was walking in a white dress, all white. 

My head started to hurt me .......... should I ask Leon?  I asked him like a billion question I mean he's the only one answered something maybe two?

Then I thought again , I didn't want to ask because every time I ask him something he just ignore it or someone stops him , I was really angry and wanted to smash everything in this castle , but of course I can't .

Then suddenly I heard a child crying somewhere not so far, '' there is children here?’’, Leon looked at me with confused eyes like they were telling me ' what made you think that '.

Good that I can understand the language of the eyes, at least I was good in one thing and its 'Understanding'.

'' I heard someone crying and it sounded like a kid was crying '' , please don't say that there  isn't any child here because I had enough of feeling like people is lying to me , and I heard that sound clearly !! .

''There is no children here, the king hate them'' Leon was saying that, for real? he really denied it 'again' , it’s not like I was going to kill him if he said that there were children in the castle , and I don’t think that I have hearing problems.

The voice of that kid got louder and louder that it became really annoying.

Now there is no way that there are no children here, well I didn't care if there were children or not, I only cared to prove him wrong.

  I wanted to know to show them that not a stupid girl who believes everything, and believe me there wasn't anything could be believed.

I left Leon behind and went toward the voice, Leon tried to stop me but I had enough of all the lies, I continued walking ignoring Leon.

The voice was getting more higher as I got closer to it and that made me wonder... why would some kid cry like that?... well I think I shouldn't ask that.. Really who wouldn't cry after seeing this ‘place’?

I found the maids was standing staring at something, I was wondering what is happening, yes I get my nose in everything, but I can’t bear it anymore.

I got through the maids that were also masked, they looked like ghosts more than maids, what the hell are they hiding anyway? I really wanted to know.

When I reached the front, I saw a kid that didn't reach the ten years, he was really adorable, but for some reason some maids were trying to hide their laughs and other were already laughing.

I sat on the ground to reach his head and put my hand on his head hoping that he stops crying '' hey little boy, why are you crying? ''  when the boy heard me saying that, he stopped crying and looked at me, he had the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, they were blue, bright blue that you might think they a green and they were shinning like stars.

  But then he smiled at me, but not the sweet smile that any normal kid would carry with him, I felt like he had a devil's wings, then suddenly I was in a black room all alone with that child .

When I looked around I noticed that the maid weren't there, then a small laugh came out of that kid's mouth '' it's none of your business, sweetie ''

Wait ... what?

I stood up and took a few steps back, I felt like Leon was behind me ‘‘you guys teach children's something like that?'' I whispered to him.

I noticed that Leon was hiding his laugh, ‘‘children? Do you see him as a child? '' He said, what? What did he mean?

'' of course I see him as a child '' , the boy took a few steps near me and hold my hand, trying to get me pull me to him, so I sat on my knees.

I faced him ‘‘what’s wrong? '' I said, he kissed me on cheeks.

'' Nothing, just its cute how's my trick made you think that I’m a child ‘.

Think? Whoa..? Suddenly he took a few steps back and kissed his necklace, a beautiful and strong light came out of the necklace, then he got bigger and bigger, after a few seconds the kid weren't a normal kid anymore he became an adult.

a beautiful guy I would say , no I really mean it a really beautiful guy , I was surprised because the little adorable kid transform just in front of my eyes to big guy , but I was hiding it , it seemed like I had to get used to weird things.

Afterward I could only hear one thing of what he said

'' My name is ... Rin''.


well i hope that you liked this chapter ^^ , i wanted to make it longer but i have some exams at the momment . share how you felt about the story in a comment  . 

Edited by : merry_bubbles

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