Chapter 17 ( Deep Inside The Dark Forest )

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'' L-lena ? '' I asked, I was shocked .. lena is here!! She's alive!!, that's mean demo and leza might also be alive.

'' Yes Alex, are you shocked ? '' I'm shocked ? of course iam, who wouldn't be shocked ? but I'm happy, really happy that I can't believe what I'm seeing now.

'' Yes I'm shocked … what are you doing here ? a-and what happened with leza and demo are they also alive ? ''

'' Alive or not alive … what do you think ? and for what I'm doing here .. its none of your business Alex'' she said,  the way she said my name so carefully with a big smirk on her face .. I have a really bad feeling about this.

'' what do you mean? Are they alive or not ? and of course its my business Lena, you know how much I was worried about you guys ? I was really-''

'' Stop it !! '' she cut me off , she was yelling…

'' What's wrong with you ? '' I asked.. there must be something wrong with her .. she was never like this .. never!!.

''Want to know? '' I nodded, but I regretted when I saw how her smirk grew bigger and bigger '' I will give you a hint ; you''

'' me? Why ? I didn't do anything to you ''

She burst out laughing really hard and that was so not… like her.

'' Alex '' she said quietly while taking a step forward, and I took a step backward '' Alex'' she took another step '' Alex'' this time she was near me and my back hit some tree.. ugh !! stupid tree.

'' You didn't notice anything else other than my face ? '' she asked.

Now that I take a second look at her, she was wearing a red coat just like red riding hood and her hair was black but Lena's hair is brown ..

'' You're not Lena... Right? '' I looked around .. I need to find some place to run and hid in it because … i have a really bad feeling of what is going to happen next.

'' Oh so you noticed ? '' she faked shock, suddenly a black light shined and in a seconds her looks changed, she had a black curly hair with a pure green eyes, she was tall and skinny, she had a really pale skin she was… Serena !! .

'' S-Serena ? '' I was surprised, if I remember correctly Len told me that she disappeared .. h-h-how ? .

'' Oh so you have heard of me .. hm well that makes my job way way easier .. ''  At that moment, she grabbed an axe a big one and started to come closer to me .

'' You know Alex, I have always wanted this moment to come, and now that it happened, why don’t we make it more fun, shall .. we ? ''

I started to tremble.. I don’t want to die !! my knees felt weak so I fell on the ground, she was one step away from me with a a giant axe.

'' Say bye- bye to the world Alex'' she said with a laugh in her voice, I knew this may be my last moment in my life but I had to do something!!.

Then I realized that I was on the ground of a big forest, I wanted to hide my grin but I couldn't .

'' You're smiling ? let's see how are you going to smile after this '' she took her axe and was about to hit me.

I put my hands on the ground and threw sand on her eyes .

'' My eyes !! you stupid ugly b*tch !! how dare you ?!! '' she screamed and tried to clean her eyes.

I took the chance and ran in the woods, far far away I knew that I don’t have so much time and I must find some way. A way to hide a away from her .

I noticed a huge tree that had a hole, It could barely fit me, but I had to hide even if it was in a small place that even hard to breath in .

I hid inside it trying to catch my breath and calm my self down .

'' Alex .. Where are you '' she said in a cheerful voice, that voice was familiar.. it was Leza's voice.. but I can't be fooled by her act again.

Then I heard her footsteps near me, she was near the tree !! my heart was beating really fast and it was going to explode any second now !! .

'' Alex,, Come on .. don’t you want to go to your home ? '' this time it was Demo's voice, I really wanted to go outside.. I really wanted to hug them .. but I cant I just .. cant.

She stood in front of the hole that I was in .. I was trembling she will find me, she was going to find me for sure !!.

I tired to put my hands on my mouth, to stop my panting,  because if  i didn't she will hear it and things are going to be really .. really bad .

The end of her dress got into the hole, it was right  in fornt of me and any move i was going to touch it . But i noticed her turning around and around a few times, that's mean she .. is lost .. right ? .

'' Alex.. Honey, Come out '' My heart was going to stop when i heard that voice .. That familiar sweet voice.

Then memories came back to me, all my life .. things that me and my mother made, we always laughed when the dog next door fall for me and my friends's tricks.

I felt tears blurring my vision.. but i can't even if it was my mother's voice i cant go outside, i just.. cant.

 Why is it that hard ? why cant i believe what my brain is telling me not my heart, why just why ?

'' Alex .. come on don't you wanna play baseball with me ? i'm  gonna make you lose for sure this time!! ''.

I gasped, but quickly put my hands on my mouth, i need to calm down calm down Alex there is no way that he is my father, she is  just Serena .. Serena .

Then i saw her bending down slowly, soon her face is going to be the same level as the hole.. soon she was going to .. see me and ....

                                                Kill Me  


Thank you for readingggggggggggggg !!!~~


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