Chapter 16 ( Few Steps To Reach My Freedom )

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Normal P.O.V

PANT              PANT                 PANT                PANT              PANT

 '' Did you find her ? ''

'' No..... Shit !! , how did you forget to lock the entrance door ? ''

'' I didn't !! , it just.... opened by it self ''

'' Really ? for god's sake Rin, stop lying '' 

'' REALLY ''

'' you two stop acting like babies and find her, you know what will happen if we didn't, right ? ''

'' yes.... i will go to the left and Leon to the right and for you Rin ... go anywhere just.. find her ''

'' i know, i know '' 

After a minute or two they were no where to be seen .



I stood up from where i was hiding, and looked secretly making sure that there was no one ... wow, i never ever EVER!! ran away from someone ...

Well i hope that i can now .. find my way back .

Oh ya .. are you wondering how all this happened ? ok lets get back in time .

It all started when i insisted to get  another tour in the castle, not because i started to ' love' this place or anything just because i wanted to figure out how can i get out of that stupid prison .

Really !! they don't make you do anything, just sit there and look at the ceiling .. i wonder just how do they live here ?.

Anyway back to the point, i insisted on Leon to take me on a tour around the castle again so he agreed but after i begged him .

Anyway while we were on our 'tour' we passed by the Entrance door, it was really big old door, it's color was brown and had black lines on it, i never saw it , or i can say they never took me to it, it felt like i'm back in time.

Rin entered the castle by that door, and he was in a hurry, he wanted to talk with rin alone and fast .. really what's going on?, it felt like the world is going to explode if he didn't talk to him .

He took Leon to some place leaving me alone near that big door .

I know what you are thinking about you can leave , you can leave. But no ... because the doors weren't opening ... i'm trying my hardiest here and its not moving an inch.

It's like something big blocking it from the other side, and because i'm genius i tried to hit it .. why the hell did it do that? 

And a loud sound came from the hit i did, my hands became red and i started to hear rin and leon's foot steps coming closer.

'' Are you alright alex ? '' Leon asked.

Don't come here, Don't come here, i thought.

'' Y-yes, i'm perfectly fine, i just um.... fall down'' wow that was a really horrible lie.

Do you wanna go outside ? 

A familiar voice came out of no where, i looked left and right but didn't see who said that, it was the same voice as that woman, the one who was in the bath .

'' Whose there? '' i whispered, i don't want Rin to hear me, and about that, he is coming !!.

It's me ... come come i will open the door for you .

And in one second the door opened .

'' ALEX !! what was that sound?'' Rin shouted.

i didn't answer just looked at the door and it led to outside... my freedom.. my friends and family are out there, just a few steps.. a few steps that's all i need.

Come, Come , Don't be afraid 

'' It's the door you idiot'' i head Leon shouting on Rin .

Yes it's my chance, i ran through the door, but i didn't know where to go, or which way should i take, there was three ways, the first one led to the woods, and it was a dark and had a fog that just looking at the woods it reminded me of some horror movies.

And the other to some lights that i think its the town's light, it wasn't that shiny and bright light, it was nice .

the third one was just a normal road, nothing was there .

In my case i really prefered going to the town's light, i know that the forest could hide me from them but its just too scary .


That voice said again, i don't want to go to the forest, and no way i'm going really who the hell will ever go to there.

And yeah by the way, Rin was coming, good that i was a little far from the entrance now.

I was heading toward the town when my legs started to move to the forest's way, what the hell?.

I couldn't move them, they were moving against my orders, wow never heard of legs moving my their own .

And in a few seconds i started to run, and of course heading toward the forest, who the hell is making my legs move like that ?!!.

Hide, Hide behind that tree.

And of course my legs disobeyed me again and followed that voice's orders , what a traitor .

I don't need to continue my story because you know what happened next, i wanted to get out but i cant because i couldn't find the way i came from, thanks for my stupid legs they went to several ways before coming here .

'' You came, long time no see Alex '' Someone said behind me, the voice was familiar enough to make me tremble.

I looked behind, i was shocked, i cant believe it, my voice wasn't coming out.

'' L-Lena?'' 


Hope you liked it ;) 

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