Chapter 3 ( My Happy Life Is Over ) *Lena's Pic*

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  T • R • A • V • E • L     T • O        H • E • L • L 

C h a p t e r   T h r e e

  After I took a rest for a while, and tried to clear my mind  but still I didn't answer any of my questions , I decided to continue my way and find my friends and try to find the right way that reachs my home, don't know where they are but there one thing I thought about , that I will see Demo if searched for them .

I shook my head, I don’t have to get these things on my mind, I must find them, I think they will be heading toward their homes right now.

I sighed because i feel really tired already and i dont feel like walking anymore, but i have to.

I walked and walked but there was no end, no one passed by, I felt a little weird not scared but it's not the feeling of being safe, i looked around the street's lights was on but there was few that was barely working, there wasn't any way other than the way i was taking.

I tried to take a deep breath to make myself feel better, but still I couldn’t, there is something wrong here, I feel like something weird going to happen.

My feeling somehow reached the cat and it started to play around my legs '' hey stop you little kitty '' I said.

Then i thought about something that could distract me from my thoughts.

     '' Since you helped me, I don't mind having in my house a little kitty, but I need to name you right?'' I was thinking about a suitable name for it because I liked that idea, and I don't have anything else to do.

      ‘‘Hmm... you are male I think I will name you Leon '' the cat jumped on my hands like it was jumping from happiness, I smiled - well I couldn't do anything other than that.

Suddnely the wind got stronger, and i felt the cold breeze hitting my skin making me shiver in my place, I wanted to take another step but...

Suddenly something I didn't expect happened...

        Leon scratched my hands and hid behind my back like he was really scared, I was surprised, what happened to him? Why did he do that?

'' Why did you do that Leon? What’s wrong? '' I asked, I forgot that I was talking to a cat, of course I didn't wait for an answer, he was looking at something.

I followed where Leon was looking and I saw my-my.... friends!!!! .

I ran as fast as  I could heading toward them , I couldn't believe that I found them, after all that weird things happening to me I felt like a big heavy thing was removed off my shoulders, yes I was happy.

'' Leza, Demo, Lena? Where were you guys? '' They turned around to look at me; looking at them I knew that they were all tired and exhausted.

'' We are the ones that wanted to ask you that question, we were looking for you every where'' Demo said, I was about to cry from happiness, I was really happy to see them again- but still, for some reason I don’t feel safe.

Leza hugged me and mumbled something I couldn't hear; her voice was really weak as usual.

''Hey Leza, you’re killing me '' I said, she was hugging like I was going to die or something.

''S-sorry ... it just... '' She released me and then turned around to face Demo and Lena, but then she stopped moving for a second, she was surprised about something.

'' H-Hey you guys, d-do you know that person? ''Leza said that while she was looking behind Demo and Lena, I looked behind them, there was a man was dressing all black, with a big hat that I couldn't see his face.

'' Person? what person ?'' when they wanted to look behind them a shooting voice surprised all the four of us , the man had a gun and shot Leza!!.

'' Leza Leza!!!!!! Do you hear me? W-wake up '' Lena was beside Leza's body, she was trying to wake her up, there was blood everywhere, and it covered me.

I felt like my legs couldn't help me  so I fall down while crying of what I just saw, who's that guy ? I have never seen him before, did he really shoot Leza?

 Demo was also surprised but he didn't just shut up he tried to push the man down , but he couldn't , the man was like a tree that it couldn't fall down, strong and huge body and not in a good way .

Then Demo realized that the man was pointing the gun over him, Demo was also scared as Leza and I were. But he didn't care '' YOU WANT TO SHOOT ME RIGHT? GO DREAM ‘‘.

I wanted to shout on him telling him to stop being the hero and just run away, but I couldn't my voice couldn't come out of its place.

Then Demo tried to make the gun fall down and he was about to success but then.... the tall man also shoot Demo  , That moment Everything for me Stopped for a seconds, I didn't want to blink my eyes because I was scared , I couldn't move any part of my body.

 Wh-Why isn't there anyone can help us ? i mean nobody came, the shooting sound it self was really loud that i could hear it from the end of the street, i was panicking 

How can this happen, my both dear friends Leza and Demo died just in front of me? I thought about them while crying and thought how much they loved me, and how much i love them .

So I stood up with my shaking arms and legs and held that man's arms because I saw him pointing his gun over Lena , I really didn't want to lose any other dear friend to me, and there is no way out of here, only two choices, accepting my fate and die or try my best to change it -- and the both lead to one way ....

I saw a little piece of wood near me , it was sharp , it could make someone bleed , I took it and  hit him on his hand, and I knew that it hurt him , because he moved a little, but still it felt like i just tickled him only.

And he started to bleed, but why is his blood's colour is black?

I looked at Lena , she was also confused, but then her expression changed ''Alex look out'', I looked at that man , he was heading toward me , I was scared, if he was going to kill me , I better do something good before I die , I started to hit his arm , trying to hurt him .

'' Alex DON'T!! '' Lena was shouting , but sadly the man was more powerful than me so he pushed me on his right with a really strong arms that made me lose consciousness but I could still hear voices.

I could hear Lena’s voice but it was really weak '' Hey, HEY! Alex are you still alive? '', then I felt the Silent.

Then the voices came back '' Are you going to kill me??!!! PLEASE Don't p-plea- '' then that Scary shooting voice was heard again , Lena couldn't complete what she was saying and he killed her !!,  , He killed my Friend!!,we never saw him before and- and he just did that to us?, did they know him ?.

I felt as much as I was sad I felt also angry and thought, '' he killed all my friends is he also going to kill me?'' I stopped thinking when I heard someone's steps.

 Who’s that person? Does he know that man? What is he going to do?  I thought of many and many things.

I couldn't know anything because I felt like I was in a dark room, all black, no lights, just hearing voices with no pictures but then a strong voice anyone can know that it is was a man who is talking '' don’t you dare hurt the queen '' his voice was caring so much feelings, and he was really angry, he wasn't shouting but I could imagine him giving that man a death glare, even so I don’t know how he looks or anything 

.... the queen? .. who.... me? I made that silly idea gets out of my mind because I wanted to gather my thoughts.

Everything is alright, Everything is alright alex  I kept reminding my self, I will just wake now and smell that sweet smell of tea that my mom used to make, and then go to school and get punished by my teacher for forgotten about doing my homework..... It’s alright, it's alright everything is... just a dream


Hope you liked it ;)

and if you did dont forget to Vomment ♥♥♥♥♥

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