Chapter 4 ( Where Am I ?) * Stevian's pic*

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 T • R • A • V • E • L     T • O        H • E • L • L 

C h a p t e r   F o u r

   I dreamed about many things some of them were a flash back of me and my friends , family , and others seemed strange, I was dressing in a white dress with a beautiful heels and my hair was shining with my eyes, I was really happy in that dream , yet I felt a little sad... 

                Suddenly I felt so warm , I heard some different kind of voices, some laughs and also I heard someone screaming, but I didn't mind them, because I couldn't open my eyes they were really tired and heavy .

              After a while I opened my eyes, I was really tired and my body felt really numb, I looked around trying to figure out where the hell am I ? ,  I found myself lying on the Sofia , it was all white and had a golden lines , the room had a bright light , that my eyes got hurt just by staring at it , the room looked fancy , it felt like I was in castle.

       '' Oh , you finally woke up '' , I looked at the person who said that , I saw a tall man , with a blond hair he was wearing a big glasses and looked kind of old,  I didn't know who he was but he didn't seem like  bad person, I think...

'' Who are you? '' I asked.

The man looked at me without answering. I felt nervous, didn’t know why but I felt so, ‘‘...err... excuse me- '' I began b but he cut me off.

   '' You are in Fezar's castle ‘‘ he said.

I didn't ask that but why he answered that way? Maybe I should ask him clearly '' oh n-no I meant who are you? What’s your name?''

He stared at me , I had to wait till he answers me , maybe he was slow at replying  '' my name is Stevian '' Finally he gave me a reply, but why did I feel like he didn't like it ? Also now that I think about it what castle? Was it really a castle? ... who the hell is ''Fezar'' ? Is he the king or something? I never heard of it.

       I remembered my friends, everything happened ... came back, the voices... how lena was begging the man to not kill her... how demo was killed and leza's blood that were everywhere.

     I didn't hear a thing of Stevian was saying, even though I can see him talking but I can't hear a thing, I glanced at him with a sad eyes that he stopped talking, and I took the chance to ask him '' so.... it wasn't a dream...right? '' I tried to make my voice as clear as I could. I was about to cry.

'' Yes, it wasn't a dream '' he said giving me a soft look, I didn't know what to do next, in fact I dont know anything.

     The silent fill the room, he didn't asking anything, and I didn't say anything, we just looked at each other.

    I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down, but I was getting more and more nervous 

    I started to chat with him , just to avoid crying , I don’t want him to ask me why I’m crying and things because that will make me cry even more , and I wasn't good with crying in front of someone . I always cried in my room alone, I didn't want my mother to get worried; she had a lot of things to handle.

     '' So...  what is Fezar's castle exactly?.'' When I asjed that the man looked at me with worried eyes.

    '' So.... you really dont remember anything ...''  he mumbled under his breath, I think i wasn't supposed to hear what he said but I heard it clearly, and I had a bad feeling about it.

          '' What do you mean?.‘‘what he meant by I don’t remember him? I don’t know him to remember who he is.

             Suddenly someone opened the door, I couldn't see his face but I understood that he was calling him; Stevian had a serious look and went away.

        I looked around the room to make myself feel better, there was a big library at the end , and there was a lot of books, that made me remember when my dad used to collect books and save them saying that I will love them when I get older , he was really a kind man .

   Suddenly I heard someone's steps , I looked behind and saw a really tall man with a short black hair,  he was a good looking guy- that if he was in my school all the girls would fall in love with him , and maybe I would too.

He stared at me for a long time, without saying anything giving me a blank looking and looked at me from my head to my toes.

 '' Hmmm... so you woke up '' , he said that with a smirk on his face.

  In normal cases I would say 'you don’t say' but I think it’s not the good time for my jokes, so I bit my bottom lip to not say anything ridiculous.

  I didn't know if he was serious or just making fun of me, '' Who are you? '' I asked him narrowing my eyes.

     He took one step forward ‘‘my name? So you didn't recognize me, that makes me sad you know '' he chuckled and acted that he was hurt, then he pointed over his collar, '' does this make you recognize me ?'' .

         When I saw it I felt like I saw it before, then I remembered something ‘‘Hey ...... that looks like Leon's collar ... how? '' He tried to hide his laugh.

     ’’ You are right, so did you know my name yet? '' He said.

    I paused for a second trying to remember who he is, I’m not good at puzzles ‘‘...... collar? '' He couldn't take it and laughed so hard that he was about to die.

'' Nice answer but not really ... my name is Leon ‘‘ he said still smirking.

'' L-leon? Who gave you that name? '' I didn't know why I asked, but as soon as the words came out of my mouth, I wanted to slap my self, there are a thousands of people that has the same name after all.

'' Oh did you already forget? You gave me that name’’ Leon said while pointing his index finger at me.

 I didn't believe that,'' so you are saying that you are Leon? the black little cat that was following me? yeah .. right  '' I said while laughing, hah right that's the last thing that I would believe.

 '' You took a while to know that '' he answered me seriously and I stopped laughing and looked at him in a silly way.

  I didn’t believe that and sighed, he noticed that so he did something I didn’t expect; he turned in a cat just right in front of me!! , I was so surprised of that, a cat? How, and that even not possible, right? 

'' H-How ...?'' he turned to Black cat, Oh god! just when I thought everything cant become worse.


Edited by : merry_bubbles

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