Chapter 6 (A Tour Inside The Castle)*Len's Pic*

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 T • R • A • V • E • L     T • O        H • E • L • L 

C h a p t e r  S i x

      Leon insisted on taking me on a tour inside the castle saying; '' I think that you have the permission to see the place '' what the hell did he mean by permission? do I need a permission to walk around here? and from who I must take it? from that guy who pretends to know me? yeah great! note the sarcasm

           '' So you didn't come here by accident right? '' I said that while looking at him with a stare that made him smirk.

        '' I really can’t lie to smart people, '' said while laughing a little then continuing his talk ''yes didn't come here by accident, I will give you a hint with saying that I came here by an order ''.

         Order? I really hate to know that someone is just controlling me like a doll, but I had to accept it , because all the things in here were already out of control , there was nothing I was able to believe !!.

        The corridor was pretty normal I think, just a dark scary corridor that makes you think that the dark behind you will swallow you if you let your guards down.

           I'm scaring my self.

       Leon showed me some rooms, they were all pretty much normal, just a fancy looking sofas here and there with a beautiful disks and beds while some of them were empty. Well at least there was something normal here.

          But I notice that there was some maids they put their heads down when we pass near them , I tried to look at the maid faces but the maid's head were really down so I couldn't see them, but I knew that there was something off about them .

         Finally I was able to see one , I was really shocked that I saw her and the other maids near her , they all had their faces covered with a white mask , and there were no  holes for the eyes in the mask , how the hell were they able to see? And why are they putting masks any way?

         Leon entered some kind of room that were really messy , clothes everywhere , pants over here , and shirts over there  you can know that it was a guy's room by one look.

       I didn't stare too much to not make Leon think that I’m some kind of perve and I wasn't really interested, well it's not like I care or something but I don’t like to make people think bad of me in the first meeting.

        Leon was kind of angry for some kind of reason, I didn't know why but he seemed like he didn't want to enter the room but he had to. '' this room is for-'' he was just starting to tell me about the owner of the room , but someone made him stop as ' usual ', someone entered the room and broke the window's glass .

       Leon protected me; I closed my eyes trying not to get any piece of glass into my eyes.

      When I opened them I saw him shouting on someone , I could tell that he was really angry , well I’m with him, who the hell gets through the window anyway?.

    Putting my hand on Leon's shoulder to make him step aside a little to see, it was a really handsome man with a blond short hair, he looked really cool.

      He smiled at me and said '' hmm.... so the sleeping beauty finally woke up '' I blushed , he laughed at me for blushing and said '' how cute , just blushing from that , you really blush fast dont ya ?'' .

       I had to make myself realize what kind of situation I was in , so I said making my embarrassed face go ''my name is Alex nice to-'' he cut me off.

        '' I know who you are, but I guess you don’t know who am I right?'' I nodded while I was thinking of what he said, he knows me? What the heck? Is he flirting with me or what?

          I noticed Leon hitting him secretly thinking that I wouldn't notice but I did! I just rolled my eyes at them, he continued saying '' oh ... my name is Len. Nice to meet you Alex '' he smiled at me with a sweet smile, saying in myself ''good change in personality ‘‘.

      Len offered following us but Leon didn't accept that because he already caused enough problems, we got out of his room; Leon made a sigh like he was happy to leave? I ignored like always, and continued walking trying to catch Leon who was really fast or  it was me who was really slow.

         I noticed like there was a smell hm? I can smell food , it was coming from the next room , maybe there was a kitchen nearby , well I was really hungry that I felt like I was dying , Leon noticed that  '' we will eat when we reach the guest's room'' he said coldly.

          But suddenly I felt like my feet is moving toward the door , don't worry it wasn't my stomach who controlled them , it was something else , something more like magnet maybe ?.

           Leon saw me heading toward that door, so he was trying to stop me, I didn't know why but he tried to, but he failed.

           I couldn't control any part of my body then my hands moved by its self and opened the door of the kitchen, anybody would think that they will found a normal kitchen with normal things in it.

          That wasn't what I found in fact I found a normal kitchen but not completely normal, I saw some kind of weird things were flying in the air.

           When I stared closely I was surprised that I saw not 'things' but more like demons? having a black skin like snakes , big mouths were laughing for some reason , had big wings also black like it's skin and a red eyes were really scary , as I entered my legs stopped I could control them but I couldn't move .

          Then they stopped laughing and gave me all their attention, it was like they can see every move that I make, it’s like they can see through me and know that I’m really scared that I can pee on myself any moment now.

            I saw one of the demons,  flying toward me I was really scared so I fell down , my legs couldn't help me, I was trembling , then the demon stopped when he reached my face I could see clearly it's red eyes it was really scary and I could see my reflection that made me feel more nervous.

            The demon said suddenly while smiling '' Sooo, you woke uppppp '' his voice was really husky.

               His voice were making me tremble in fear, was making me think that if I don’t move now I might lose my life  , then Leon grabbed my hand and pull me outside the door , when the demons noticed Leon’s angry eyes they got back like they were really scared of him ?.

I just wonder... how many times I saw my life pass right in front of my eyes. 

There isn't anything safe here- at all.


thanks for reading this chapter , gonna write the next chapter maybe tomorrow :) 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOPE YOU LIKE IT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

Edited by : merry_bubbles

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