Cabin Date

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Growler aka Gibbs had promised his Little Food monster aka Bishop a date at the cabin.

Their first opportunity was a rare weekend when they were not on call.

The Thursday morning, he did a quick grocery list and then took it in with him to work.

She arrived not long after him and spotted the list on her desk.

As she picked it up her smile warmed his heart

He walked over to her and whispered softly into her ear

"By end of today so I can go get what you would like."

"On it Growler"

He laughed and then the elevator pinged and Dinozzo walked into the bullpen which instantly put Growler back in to Gibbs mode.

"Morning boss, probie"

"Morning Dinozzo"

"What Tony?" Asked Bishop Tony was looking at Gibbs who promptly left

"Err I thought I saw him smile"

"He is human Tony"

"Towards you maybe"

McGee then appeared

"Morning Tim"

"Morning Ellie, dare I ask what's going on with Tony who is stood there with a strange look on his face."

"He doesn't think I'm human"

"Morning boss"

"Morning Tim"

Who then promptly shook his head and sat down.

"I just got a little confused boss" replied Tony, who then went to annoy Tim.

They all went about writing up reports and catching up with outstanding paperwork which was boring the hell out of Dinozzo who kept on at McGee. Finally Gibbs had enough

"Stop it Dinozzo or shall I come over there and use my alien smiling superpowers on you."

Trying not to smile Dinozzo went back to his desk and started typing messages to McGee.

Bishop his little food monster had finished writing the shopping list and one of her reports so got up and handed both to her boss and Growler.

"Go get coffee please" handing her some cash

"Sure no problem and I'll get these my treat."


"I'll ask."

"The kids what the hell are you doing now Dinozzo?" who was using his back scratcher

"Sorry boss I have a real bad itch"

"Hazelnut latte and an flat white for me thanks Bishop" Tim said trying not to focus on Tony

Bishop shook her head and went to get coffee.

The elevator doors closed but not before she heard her Growler shout

"Scratch on your own time Dinozzo."

She smiled to herself, thoroughly looking forward to a weekend away with her Growler.

At the coffee shop and spotted their rocky road cake and thought she should add it to the list. Then she got all the drinks and then made her way back upstairs to

find her Growler sat quiet behind his desk.

McGee was also super quiet and Dinozzo was nowhere to be found.

His Little Food Monster Series: DatesWhere stories live. Discover now