A Date with sadness - For Ducky

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Special Agent Growler Gibbs got out of the funeral car.  He was dressed in black as was the rest of the family.

Ducky had been their friend as well as being the grandfather of the family.

He took a deep breath and checked his suit jacket pocket for the eulogy he had to deliver a little later.

Agent Food Monster Eleanor Gibbs held her husband's hand, tears forming in her eyes as they waited for everyone to gather.

Jimmy Palmer made his way towards where they stood.

"Jim" Growler pulled him in to a Gibbs hug. 

"He was so proud of you."

All Jimmy could do was give Gibbs a nod in thanks.

Today was going to be the hardest day. Gibbs took comfort in the words that Jimmy had heard from Ducky "When you're going through hell keep going."

They would all have to keep going today, just for Ducky.

It had been hard when they had said goodbye to Caitlin.

To Jenny

To Dorneget.

To Mike.

Gibbs held his breath as they watched his dear friends coffin being brought in.

A while later he walked up to the front and carefully put the printed paper on the stand.

He took a moment before beginning.

"Duck was my dearest friend one that I know all of us will miss dearly.  I knew him well before NCIS, but when I joined NCIS he was there for me regardless of what life threw at us."

Taking a breath

"He would not have enjoyed us all being here, because he was a humble man. One that took so much pride in his work, and I know that there has been many cases that we would not have solved without his expertise and guidance.

But when Ducky took on the cases, they were more than that. The victims of each case were treated with dignity, giving them life and in return whilst he would often talk to them, they would give him the story only he could decipher. Most of all it would give closure where none seemed possible."

"Now as I mentioned he would often talk to the victim's, sometimes many a long story would be told, if only the walls of autopsy could speak well, we would be here for a while."

Everyone laughed remembering fondly of the stories he would tell.  Gibbs took a moment to remember those stories.

"So, I could of course take a leaf out of Ducks book and tell you a story or two, about the time we first met with a mafia boss trying to kill us, or the time we were fugitives or even just the time we sat and had tea. In a pot of course.

But I think as we grieve for our dear friend, hopefully remembering those stories he told will help us to live with the hole that he leaves in our hearts.

He was humbled to be working with us, grateful to be part of the family and he was extremely proud of the legacy he leaves in each of us.

Jimmy especially he was proud of you as you took on the challenge of being mentored by Ducky and you have become a brilliant medical examiner. 

But when I was waiting in autopsy earlier today, I noticed how colder it felt, for me autopsy and NCIS will forever be a little quieter."

A few sniffles could be heard, and handkerchiefs being grabbed to dab tear filled eyes.

Some men stood up and brought in some trays with a wee dram of Scotch whisky.

Gibbs looked up.

"Before we toast our dear Doctor Donald Ducky Mallard, I wanted to leave you with his words that will I hope help us.  "Change is inevitable like the seasons... I suggest you embrace it."

He waited as a people took the small whisky glasses from the trays as they were handed out.

As they raised their glasses they all said their tribute.

"To Ducky sleep well my friend, thank you for being in our lives."

Thanks for reading – RIP David McCallum forever our Ducky. X

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