A Date with a Voice

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Growler picked up baby food monster, who kept reminding her daddy that she was no longer a baby at every opportunity.

"Daddy, I'm 2 now..."

"Okay sweetheart, Daddy loves his grown-up food monster."

Which made her giggle as he securely put her in her seat.

Once home they were soon going about their usual evening routine, mummy food monster walked in just in time for dinner, Which tonight was pasta and meatballs.

"Good run?" asked Growler as he polished off his meatballs.

"Sorta, didn't fancy too long a run after today."

"Uh huh" he replied wiping away sauce from his mouth.

He got up and kissed his now grown-up daughter food monster on the head, before clearing away the dishes and putting it in the newly installed dishwasher. Whilst he would never openly admit it, he did love not having to clear up all the messy dishes in the sink anymore.

He made coffee and sat on the sofa whilst his food monsters played for a bit. It didn't seem long before it was bedtime for the smallest food monster, and she was ready for it. Nearly falling asleep as he carried her up the stairs.

"Huh no book?" asked Food monster when he arrived back downstairs.

"Nope straight to sleep."

"Den time?" getting up off the sofa before he had chance to come sit back on it.

He nodded and opened the door to the basement. Growler knew it was time to talk about today's case.

The case was about a woman who was out running and had heard voices. One Growler had thought to be put on the very strange list and quite frankly one not to be repeated if possible.

Growler sat down with a bourbon in his hand in the den. Food monster poured hers and joined him on the giant bean bag they had put in so that they could snuggle up together.

"So, tell me what's bugging you about the case?" Growler asked as he took a sip.

"Oh, not the case really, I mean it has to be weird?"

"Yeah, not one I would want a repeat of anytime soon."

"But not the weirdest?"

"Food monster" he said in his Gibbs esq tone.


"You know all the cases; you spent a free day in the archives."

"Okay you got me, why are you disappointed?"

Growler thought for a moment and took some more sips of his bourbon. He needed to answer this one carefully. He found himself thinking of all those who had passed and he wanted to be sure he could explain it properly to his food monster.

"I'm not sure if I can answer it."

"I wanted to believe..."

"Okay who would you talk to if you could?" Growler had given himself more time to answer.

"Oh, probably some of the past presidents and my ancestors for sure"

"That would be some dinner party." He growled out.

"Agreed but knowing me I'll just be haunted by it".

"Yeah, if I had one Mike will come back and haunt me." Both giving a laugh at the thought.

As Food Monster snuggled into her Growler more, she wondered what she would ask them.

Growler let out a long sigh.

Food monster looked up at him.

"Is it because if it was true then maybe you could talk to Kelly or Shannon?"

"Ah maybe, I think if it was true I don't think it's a gift everyone would get."

"That's true enough. I guess everyone seemed to be firmly on their side you seemed in the middle today."

"Ah you know I go where the evidence takes me, Special Agent Food monster" leaning down to give her a kiss.

"True, right time for bed before we have a little voice of is it breakfast yet" Which was baby food monsters' newest phrase in the mornings.

"Now that is a voice I could deal with forever" 

And with that they went up to bed and slept soundly .

The end (Note this story refers to episode 8 in Season 17)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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