Date with a Hedgehog

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It was the anniversary of his first wife Shannon and his first daughter's death Kelly.

The day had started as any other for Food Monster. She was up and doing her morning bathroom routine.

She had noticed that Growler had already left for work, but she knew the day and gave him the space to deal with the everlasting loss he felt, in his own way.

However, whilst brushing her teeth she was beginning to slightly regret letting him off the hook for nursery run.

Catlin was in her cot screaming the house down.

Food Monster came into her room and said, "What's the matter?" picking up their daughter.

"Fluffy gone"

Now Fluffy was the fluffiest toy hedgehog you have ever seen. Caitlin had spotted the toy hedgehog when they had gone to a local farm and the shop owner had made some toys to sell.

Growler did cave as he had seen how much the hedgehog had meant to his daughter and well fluffy the hedgehog was firmly part of the family.

Of course, it meant that despite being two highly trained federal agents, the second most important part of their day job was tracking down the hedgehog.

One day after a near miss of losing fluffy (he'd been dropped in the supermarket, but thankfully Growler had noticed and managed to find it after going back down the ice cream aisle). He had taken it in to work with Cailin's full permission and Grandfather Ducky had performed surgery to put in a GPS tag.

Back in Caitlin's room

"Shush I am sure Fluffy is around here somewhere".

Caitlin calmed a little and was distracted a bit by being changed and readied for nursey.

"Fluffy?" asking once more as they left the room.

"I will investigate" Food monster replied noting to check her phone when they got into the car.


"Promise, now come on otherwise we will be late".

Food Monster strapped her into the car and then checked her phone.

She then got in and checked the GPS app for location of the tag.

Fully expecting it to say home she was surprised when the location came up with the Navy Yard.

When she arrived, she reminded Caitlin that she would investigate, and she told the nursery worker that Caitlin had misplaced her favourite toy.

As she arrived in to work there was no sign of Growler

Food Monster was perplexed as there was no sign of coffee cups either in his bin.

"Growler where are you?" she whispered.

Heading to the elevator she headed for the lab and sure enough Abby was in but there was no music.

"He's in there" Abby whispered.

"Sound" Food Monster replied looking down at her Growler who was asleep with Fluffy.

"Case solved" she said to herself, but Abby had heard.

They walked away so not to disturb a sleeping Growler.

Food monster recounted the tale of the missing Fluffy.

"That is so cute, though you think it's because of the anniversary".

"Yes" making them both jump as it was Growler.

"You know you look like you need more sleep" Abby said sternly.

"I know and err sorry needed it" handing Fluffy over to Food Monster. But not before showing his softy child side.

Holding Fluffy up he said, "Thanks Fluffy".

Making the two smile.

"That's okay Caitlin will understand".

He wrapped his arms around his food monster and cuddled her.

"Thanks, need coffee now and err thanks Abs for the futon".

"No problem boss" as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Food monster smiled and then turned to Abby after watching her man leave to go find coffee.

"Right morning is getting better already, one happy boyfriend and later one happy daughter" she then stowed fluffy away safely. As Abby put on the music, order was restored.

When he finished for the day Growler borrowed Fluffy and went straight home.

Food Monster went to collect a baby food monster who had missed fluffy all day. She had even drawn a picture of him.

"Fluffy is with daddy, he misses Kelly sweetheart" she said on the way home.

At home he had set up fluffy and some fire hot chocolate for all of them, he even put a cup in front of fluffy.

He was setting up the snuggly pillows and bean bags for them when Food monster arrived home.

As he opened the door Catlin looked over to see Fluffy on top of the bean bag with his hot chocolate.

"Fluffy needed a treat because he helped Daddy today." Growler said to her as they moved all to the sofa and bean bags.

Food monster smiled and kissed her Growler.

"Sorry about taking fluffy" he whispered as they snuggled up together.

"Love you daddy".

He sat and held them both, knowing that the universe really was giving him a special second chance.

The end.

His Little Food Monster Series: DatesWhere stories live. Discover now