A Date with Rule One

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Rule one - Never let suspects sit together

"Hmm" he growled looking in the fridge

His cheesecake that he had saved from last night was missing.

Getting his coffee that was freshly made he decided to investigate.

As he walked back in to the lounge his food monster now wife was sitting on the sofa.

"Hello Mrs Gibbs" he growled with a straight face.

She smiled

"Hello very special Agent Husband Gibbs"

"I need to know where you were between the hours of 9pm yesterday evening and now"

She looked up

"Agent Gibbs.. May I ask why?"

"My cheesecake is missing"

"I see and you think I'm a suspect"

"Well you were seen in the house"

"Ah okay but I wasn't alone"

He raised his eyebrow

"I'm aware.."

"You going to interrogate baby food monster?"

"I may have to"

"But you can't without a responsible adult"

"I am her parent and I'm not about to break rule one"

"Do you really think baby food monster did it? Because she won't survive prison"

He nearly laughed

"I shall find the appropriate punishment for whomever did this"

"Huh, good luck with the investigation Agent Gibbs" she said with a wicked smile and getting up from the couch.

"Your interrogation hasn't finished"

"Oh I know but I thought I'd get the other suspect" who had been playing in her room.

He let it happen as he knew deep down who had done this crime.

When they were both sat on the couch, Daddy Growler sat opposite.

"Hmm now baby food monster, have you seen mommy eat cheesecake"

"No daddy"

"Mommy food monster did you see baby food monster eat my cheesecake?"

"No Daddy Growler"

"Hmm I see. I'm going you both one chance to confess"

He waited patiently.

"What's the punishment?"

"Oh that's easy, won't be prison so no Daddy dates this week"

"It was mommy" Baby Food Monster announced.

"We had a deal" Food monster declared

"I love daddy" she laughed which melted both their hearts.

"Hmm this is a good lesson. This is another reason why you should never put suspects together" Food monster growled out crossing her arms in a humph

Growler smiled and then kissed his daughter on the head as she was now snuggled on his lap.

Whilst Food monster continued to humph in defeat.

"Well mommy?"

Food monster smiled

"Fine I got the munchies and needed a snack"

"I shall pass sentence"

Baby food monster laughed

"Darn it, so no dates huh"

Baby food monster whispered in his ear.

"Ah see I've just been informed by the judge that as dates are special and keeps us happy."

"I get off?"

"Nope, it's been changed to not wearing my hoody for a week"

Food monster sighed

"And if I were to appeal?"

"No appeal"

"Will buying you cheesecake help?"

"Yes cheesecake will reduce the sentence"

He playfully said as he let baby food monster snuggle in to him more.

That evening they were snuggled on the sofa now having eaten specially brought cheesecake.

He held his food monster tight, baby food monster was asleep in her room.

"So how long now do I have no hoody time"

"Well as it was my favourite and it was from the bakery, hmm reduced by two days"

She nodded.

What he hadn't appreciated was him missing her wearing it, when he grabbed his hoody it didn't smell of his food monster.

She was back wearing it as soon as she was allowed.

"Missed this thing" in their bedroom as she put the hoody on.

"Missed you in it" he growled pulling her on to the bed.

"Oops, best get another punishment"

"No, just don't eat my cheesecake or any other of my cakes" he growled in her ear as he snuggled in to her.

"Maybe, so why did you break rule one?"

"Oh I knew you were in cahoots and baby food monster would crack under my special agent daddy growler powers"

Which filled the room with laughter as they kissed.

"But I may need to give you another punishment Mrs Gibbs"

"For what?"

"Threatening to send baby food monster to prison.." as he rolled on top of her

"Was it too much?" She replied smiling away

"Just a tad, plus she is my princess"

"Oh I see, what does that make me?"

"maybe I should imprison you my Queen"

he said as the room filled with yet more laughter as she pretended to get away.

The end - More rules to come. Feel free to send requests if you are enjoying Growler and Food Monster Dates/Holidays x Thanks for reading always appreciated.

His Little Food Monster Series: DatesWhere stories live. Discover now