Date with Rule 9

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Growler sighed.

This was the fourth time he had to go to her bag and get his knife.

"Hmm I think someone needs to earn the right" he said to himself.

Growler had to come up with a cunning plan.

At work the next day

"Can I borrow your knife?"

"Where's yours?"

"Erm I'm not sure".

"Fine but you can use it for ten minutes".

"I'll be super quick thanks" and to be fair his food monster gave it back.

In the evening at home, he hunted for her knife and found it in her bag next to four other knives from home.

"I think my Food Monster is becoming a knife thrower or ninja"

He cleaned them and put the knives back to where they belonged.

Food Monster didn't realise anything until the next day at lunch.

"What the ?" She cursed quietly but of course Growler had heard her

She held up a takeaway knife when trying to cut her lunch. He smirked but needed an update from McGee before dealing with his Food Monster.

He went over to her desk and pulled out his knife and cut her thick sandwich in half for her. Taking a napkin he wiped it clean and then as she watched intently as he then put it away.

His piercing blue eyes just looked at her. She thanked him and he went to his desk for his lunch.

When he went out for coffee Nick noticed how Food Monster was cursing.

"Everything okay?"

"No Nick someone seems to think that takeaway knives are funny"


"Ellie seemed a little upset"

"Someone can't seem to put her knives away properly so we're doing a little teaching"

Food Monster frowned and then realised what she had done.

"Do I need to do a reward chart boss"

"May help McGee will see if this works, now where are we?"

Nick laughed as he noticed how Food Monster seemed not to be finding anything funny right now.

At home Food Monster didn't want to talk about knives. But then couldn't find her pocket knife.

"Growler where is it?"


"My pocket knife for work"

"In your desk drawer"

"Oh thanks"

She sat down next to him and sulked like a teenager.

"I found four knives in your bag"

"Oh" she said still sulking

"Don't sulk you just need to learn to put them back."

"But how does giving me a takeaway knife.."

"So that you realised you did something wrong"

"You could've just told me"

"Where's the fun in that my food monster"

"Pfft" hugging the cushion.

"Hey stop sulking and I'll make you some fire hot chocolate"

"Yes please" she said quietly

He kissed her on the top of her head as he went to get the mugs and chocolate.

She laid back and snuggled up to the cushions.

He looked over and smiled as he dropped a baby food monster sized knife in to her bag.

The next day Food Monster saw the knife and cut her sandwich. She cut it like a pro chef. Growler watched and smiled to himself "that's my girl" in her mind she was going to own this so called punishment.

When they arrived home he noticed that the knife had made it back to be washed up alongside the other cutlery.

Two days later and food monster had been able to keep returning the knives to their rightful owners or places in the house.

On the final day of his challenge he stood at her desk.

"Yes Boss?"

"Have you your work knife"

"Well I haven't used it yet so I assume it's still in my drawer"

"Please check"

"Did he say please" he turned to see Nick and Tim watching he smiled

"Ooh what's this" she said as he turned back to her

"Open it"

"Wow thanks" as she unwrapped a new version of his knife

"You're welcome and bring it later, we're got a date with a certain knife thrower"

"Wait seriously?"

"Uh huh"

Later all the gang were there as Ziva, Tony and Tali were back in town.

Ziva showed Food Monster how to handle the knife and throw it.

Food Monster used other knives to throw and was doing well.

Then she got out the knife. Ziva stopped her and held it

"I'm assuming he taught you a lesson to earn this one"

"Yep, worked my way up from a wooden takeaway to this"

"I guess you could call it another level of the rule" he growled which made them both laugh.

"Ah yes who could forget Rule 9" Ziva said handing Food Monster back the knife.

Growler stood to talk to Ziva as Food Monster went in search of hot food.

"She really has flourished Gibbs".

He smiled.

"Yes, thanks for helping her"

"Ah she is a quick learner".

"That she is and not to be messed with" he growled softly. Ziva looked at him as he lovingly looked over at his food monster who was munching on some chips.

"I am also glad that you have found happiness" he gave her a hug

"Thanks Ziver"

Before joining everyone and tucked in to the hot dogs Tony was cooking on the BBQ.

Growler then wrapped his arms around his Food Monster. Who laid her head back on his chest. "This was a great date." as the surprise visit from Ziva and Tony had thankfully landed on date night, which was much to Growler's relief as he hadn't liked the choice he had chosen.  So instead of letting his food monster sort the date, he had asked if he could surprise her instead.  

Back at the BBQ Food Monster had carefully put back her knew knife and Growler wondered  if she had learned her lesson..

The end thanks for reading x 

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