Smartphone Distraction

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Growler was just getting to grips with his new phone. Food monster was very impressed how he had embraced the upgrade and with the case she had brought him as it had survived a few captures by baby food monster.

He had kept his old phone and for a while didn't tell the others at work that he had upgraded which of course his food monster had picked up on.

"You not taking the phone?"

"Not yet, I feel like I have reputation to uphold" he replied

"I see"

"What? I still miss my old phone plus I'll get distracted by all those things on the new phone"

"Oh you mean the apps"

"Yeesss and other things"

"Okay, you'll get used to it my Growler"

He narrowed his eyes and wondered what his food monster was up to.

One day she took out his old phone and replaced it with the other putting a note on the front. She had put it in his bag ready having seized the opportunity on one busy morning.

"Where's my phone?"

"In your bag"

"Thanks" kissing her

"See you at work my Growler"

He nodded and went off to work.

He had been summoned into the Directors office before he had even thought about his phone so looked for it when he had come out of that meeting.

Delving into his bag he saw the new phone

"Hmm" he mumbled to himself

Then he read the note

"Time to be brave my Growler x"

"Huh fine" he smiled to himself.

Then it rang which was when McGee noticed the upgrade.

"Gear up" Gibbs growled out after being told about a possible robbery at an armoury.

McGee was riding with Gibbs

"New phone boss?"


"Good, you err getting used to it?"

"Caitlin likes it a lot" he replied

Causing McGee to smile

"Yes I am sure, good case then"

"Yeah err Bishop has been very patient with me" he said they then turned up to the crime scene

Bishop, Quinn and Torres then appeared

"I noticed the new phone" McGee said to Bishop

"Yes he's had it for a while but err he was a bit shy on showing it off" she said with a smile

"Looks like we have more than a robbery someone call Palmer"

"Sure thing Boss"

They were all soon working at the crime scene and he noticed that Quinn was staring in to space.

"Quinn what?"

"Oh nothing sorry lots going on, sorry" she said trying not to look at him.

"Okay, let's get this one cracked"

"On it" she replied and went to find Nick so that she could concentrate.

Back at base Gibbs had gone down to see Palmer and the rest were looking into the victims and possible suspects.

His Little Food Monster Series: DatesWhere stories live. Discover now