A Date With Jealousy

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Leroy Jethro Growler Gibbs stood in the stopped elevator and wanted to shoot or kick his way out.

A few days before Torres and Food Monster had been talking about her upcoming birthday and what she was doing for it.

"All I know is that I have two days off".

"Oh, a surprise."

"Yeah, and I'm sure it will be amazing."

They nodded at that point Growler smiled.

His cunning birthday plan was to have a special day for his birthday girl and the next day as a family they would spend a day out.

That was his only plan.

But at lunch he had to walk back past Torres desk.

He noticed the leaflet; it was for a band.

As Growler continued to his desk, he then realised that was her favourite band.

He cursed under his breath and once Torres was back, he took him in to his office.

"You okay Gibbs?"

"Err that leaflet".

"Oh, the band, yeah I thought I would get Ellie some tickets for her birthday."

Growler went to speak.

"Oh, have you..."

"No, I didn't. Um you got them yet?"

"No, hence why I was asking about her day."

"Okay erm if I get them can you take her?"

"You sure?"

"Yeah, which date her day or the day after?"

"The day after."

"Gibbs you know she will love whatever you have gotten her."

He nodded, Torres thought he heard a grunt.

They left the elevator and finished off their day. Torres that evening booked the concert and printed off the tickets so that Growler would have something to give her.

The next morning Growler received the tickets as part of Torres's report he thanked him and secretly put them in his bag.

Tomorrow was his Food Monsters birthday.

The day of receiving the tickets Growler also received cards and a few gifts from her friends and the rest of their work family.

His gut was churning, and he couldn't get home quick enough. So, he decided to call it a day, no one was complaining as they were all doing boring old paperwork.

Growler was quiet on the way home and as they didn't need to pick their daughter up just, yet he took his fiancé to a restaurant.

"Ooh pre birthday treat."

"Yeah, you okay to have it early?"

"Sure why?"

"Just checking."

"Growler I love it".

He smiled for the first time.

They were shown to their usual table and the chef even did her a happy birthday on her favourite chocolate cheesecake dessert.

At the bar Growler paid for the meal, Food Monster was just coming back from the rest room when she overheard him talk to the owner, whom they knew very well.

"Thanks for fitting us in tonight."

"Ah no worries, Gibbs, I have many people waiting for your table on Sunday. Hope everything is okay."

His Little Food Monster Series: DatesWhere stories live. Discover now