Desk Date

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Food monster had awoken early one morning and was busy in the kitchen getting everything ready for her and her Growlers workday. As for Growler he was busy getting up and then went to have some snuggles and cuddles with their baby food monster.

He soon was up and ready to go to work.

"Date night tonight hopefully" he growled

"Yes, let's hope we can do something"

Of course, as per usual things never quite went according to plan.

The day started though as usual Gibbs went in with his coffee and Quinn and Torres were in early.

"Morning Boss"

"Morning in early"


"Ah fair enough" and went off to do things

Bishop then arrived and was about to talk to Quinn and Torres, but Vance asked her to follow him up.

"Morning Agent Bishop"

"Morning Director"

"I need you to do something for me please"


"Now it's more to do with your analytical background."

"Okay what would you like me to analyse"

"We have some interesting new recruits but with a few bad apples lately I'd like you to analyse their performance and profile"

"Okay how many?"

"I have ten here and there are ten more on the way. But I would like them by 09hrs tomorrow"

"I'll crack on then" trying not to sound disappointed

"Ah I'm keeping you from something"

"Nothing that can't be changed, does Gibbs know?"

"Not yet.."

"I'll tell him"

"You sure?"


"Thanks Agent Bishop I do appreciate it."

She grabbed the files and then made her way down to the bullpen. Gibbs was talking to Quinn about training and what needed to be done.

Bishop popped the files down on her desk

"Everything okay?" He whispered after finishing his chat with Quinn.

"Got a min?"

They went to the elevator, and she told him the work she'd been given.

He sighed "we shall reschedule our date night"

"Yeah, I'm sorry my growler"

He just answered her with a kiss

"I'm sorry too"


"Because you'll miss Daddy and Baby Food Monster time"

She put her hands on her hips

"What my love" he responded with a rascally smile

"Don't keep her up too late"

"I'll try but you know how she loves a good party"

She narrowed her eyes in mock despair

He kissed her and then restarted the elevator and the doors reopened just as she said

"Leroy Jethro Gibbs you'd better behave"

"Oops domestic, what have you done now Gibbs" Quinn asked wondering what mischief he was now up to.

His Little Food Monster Series: DatesWhere stories live. Discover now