Baby Food Monster Date P2 of 2

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Bishop stood there a little shocked for a moment

"You okay Ellie?" asked Quinn

"Yeah, he never does that..."

"No, I think he's just super excited and probably just trying to calm himself."

She nodded, it was true and of course Bishop his food monster did calm him.

"Hey, come on Abby will be waiting for us soon, so let's go" Quinn said knowing that distracting Bishop was required.

Meanwhile Growler had picked up Caitlin and was driving home.

"So mummy is out tonight so just me and you kid"


"Yeah Daddy time"

He got them home and got her settled in the house before going back out to the car and got a few bags which he had from his quick shopping trip at the mall.

Got her changed and put a new outfit on her

"Case ready my love" he kissed her on the top of her head and then prepared their dinner.

They sat down and were munching away as his food monster then texted

"Just off out, hope you are having fun x Mummy"

"Yes she is eating well tonight, have a nice time. Love Daddy x"

"Not from C?"

"She's busy on a case xxx"

Bishop smiled and put her phone away, she knew that she just let him be and enjoy it.

After they had eaten, he let Caitlin play a bit whilst he got changed and cleared enough space on the dining room table.

"Okay how about some painting"

Caitlin replied "Yes" in her own little way and he made sure her new outfit wouldn't get ruined.

"Now we need to make something for mummy"

"Mummy" which made Caitlin look round for her

"She'll be home later, you got Daddy"

She looked up at her daddy and put her arms out for a hug

"Okay you can have a hug and then we'll do our case work"

Of course, the hug lasted a lot longer than he planned, but he didn't mind. It did though take him back when he had returned from delivering cakes, he had heard Nick being told about him losing Kelly.

His heart ached and he held Caitlin a little tighter

"I'll always saviour you my love" repeating what Bishop had said.

Soon they were having fun back with the paint and he opted for stickers rather than glitter despite him having several put on him

"Err no.." he playfully growled as Caitlin tried with all her might to put a sticker on his nose.

He made some silly noises at her and managed to get her to stick it on the piece of paper.

"Ha see we have a wanted poster to show who our criminal is"

Of course, it said Mummy Food Monster – wanted home for cuddles – Reward lots of cakes

Covered in paint and plenty of stickers and he had managed to get a photo of food monster printed off today without her noticing.

Caitlin yawned

"Ooh nearly bedtime little miss, so let Daddy clear up and then we can have story time before Daddy sorts you out den time"

He had cleared up most of the mess, but his baby food monster was nearly falling asleep.

So, he took her upstairs changed her and got her out a new bedtime outfit for her.

"See Daddy does spoil you, like he does Mummy when its Date night"

Caitlin despite her tiredness giggled

"Of course, really Daddy spoils mummy all the time"

He then took her back downstairs and made up the den and got out her little sleeping bag they used when at the cabin.

After sorting her usual night-time bottle and then read her a story before she fell sound asleep snuggled in his arms.

He looked down at her and smiled

"I don't think I would survive if I lost you or Mummy" he whispered to her.

Giving it a few more minutes so that she wouldn't stir he moved her in to her bed and he dimmed down the lounge lights so that it gave a soft glow.

"Sleep well my love"

He then sighed looking at the mess that had been left on the table

"Oops good thing Daddy got time to sort this before Mummy sees it."

The poster they had made for Mummy he then pinned up over the den, so that if Food Monster was alert when she walked in she would see it.

He put the other pictures aside near his bed that he had laid out in the den

"Mummy's case report" he thought to himself, chuffed that he had made time for his baby food monster and this would definitely go down as a baby food minster date night with Daddy.

Grabbing a book he sat on the couch after checking in on Baby Food Monster and waited for his food monster to return home safe.

Awaking to hearing keys being tried in the door, he moved and opened it for her

"Sorry was holding the Chinese" she whispered

"Tis okay, you get mine?"


"Thanks, dinner was hours ago"

He then pointed to the den and Food monster smiled.

It wasn't until she had eaten when she saw the wanted poster

"Seriously...ooh cake"

"Yeah, for me when I hand you in to Baby Agent Food Monster" whispering

"Change and then your bed is ready my love"

She smiled and soon they were all sound asleep in the den.

The next morning Growler awoke to the sound of

"This outfit is sooo cute"

"Daddy caved" he mumbled

"I know, but this is adorable"

"Hey your meant to be under arrest don't cave Baby Food Monster"

"Ooops looks like we need to bribe daddy"

He playfully growled

She then noticed her handprints one said I love Mummy and the other said I love Daddy.

Wiping away a stray tear as he got the morning coffee

"Looks like it was the perfect date"

"Yes it was my love" kissing her deeply.

"This my case report"

"Yep, oh and you should see the other outfit I got her"

Food monster went upstairs and found the new little camouflage joggers and t-shirt

Growler who was giving more Daddy snuggles to Baby Food Monster smiled when all he heard was

"OMG this is so frigging cute I hope you got pictures"

The End.

Hope you found this date fun and thanks for reading as always x

His Little Food Monster Series: DatesWhere stories live. Discover now