Forgetful Growler Part 3 of 3

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Three days later Growler and Food Monster had like the rest of the team been given days off to recover and enjoy.

He stood in the kitchen

"So what we doing with our days off"

"I got us overnight care for Caitlin if you want just you and me" he replied hoping he was on the right start

"Sounds good"

"Then we can either stay here or go to a hotel or the cabin"


"Done, I'll do a list and go to the grocery store"

He got out his phone and arranged baby food monster's care. Of course, he would have taken their daughter, but he sensed that food monster needed to be a growler for a bit.  He then ventured to the big bad grocery store and made sure he had everything.

He even picked up a little surprise for his food monster.

She was quiet on the drive, but he made her smile when he put on their Oklahoma mix tape.

Deep down she knew he was trying but wondered if he understood yet on why she was disappointed.

At the cabin

He got everything out and sorted their beds out before they settled outside together. She was still quiet. But he just held her waiting on her to tell him when she was ready. He knew he couldn't push her.

But it was when she was led in his lap that she started.

"I want to be angry at you Gibbs"

"Tell me how I can make this right"

"Do you know why I'm disappointed?"

"I forgot our special date" he had finally found it scribbled down near his boat in the basement. Which when he found it gave himself an actual Gibbs slap.

"Yes and?"

"And that's where I'm not sure. I don't think it's the case"

"No not the case"

"And I know its not the anniversary as you already had the flowers ready"

"No plus it's on our calendar"

"Oh, okay good and thanks"

He racked his brain for ideas but was very much coming up short.

"You have No idea do you"

"No all I know is I want to hold you, make love to you tell you every second how much I love you"

She smiled

"Okay" she could tell in his eyes he was almost distraught that he hadn't known how he had screwed up.

"Don't ever fake forgetting"

He took a moment replaying the conversation over again and again in his head.

"Ah I tried to cover didn't I" looking very sorry for himself

"You did"

He sighed and she did too.

"Sure I know we will both forget stuff, but don't ever pretend like that again, just tell me that you have forgotten"

He decided to just hold her rather than say anything but nodded.

"Hmm so you were saying about making love.." as she sat back up and they relaxed in to each other.

He picked her up and carried her into the cabin where they made love in front of the fire.

The next morning

He was a little quiet but made her a hot chocolate before she had even asked.

"Thank you" she said just waking up

He smiled "I don't want to ever disappoint you or baby food monster again"

"I know but you need to talk to me Growler, plus for the record it'll take more than that for me to walk away from what we have"

"Ah you spoke to Quinn"

"Yes she mentioned a thing or two, but I'm always going to try and work things out with you my Growler"

"Good, me too" he replied kissing her

"Oh I have a little surprise for you" he growled getting up


He went and got the package out of his bag

"Now, it's kind of for me too" he said very seriously

She looked a little confused

Then she saw the box

"Wow a smartphone.. you upgrading"

"Yeeess, but I want you to teach me and err I'd like that photo of you and baby food monster on the front thingy"

"Lock screen"


"Growler..." as he opened it up to give it to her to do whatever the hell she had to do with it.

He then turned to her as they were now sitting down on the sofa bed

"Yes my food monster what?"

"I am soo proud of you"

He leaned over and kissed her

"Please be patient with me"

"Oh I will but we can have some fun" giving him a smile that melted his heart.

He nodded and pulled her in to a cuddle as she read the instruction manual in readiness. She showed him hers and compared the differences. She was impressed how he had chosen a good one but decided it would be safer for them to do this back at home. She also would order him a case that could survive baby food monster.

Soon the quietness of the cabin and surrounding area was soon filled with laughter.

"Oh look there's a reminder notification setting"

He playfully growled giving her a look that was meant to be Gibbs esq but instead melted her heart.

"Too soon?" she said tried and failed to get away as he playfully attacked her. 

The End.

Hope you've enjoyed Forgetful Growler, thanks for reading and your votes, comments and reactions are very much appreciated. X

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