Forgetful Growler Part 2 of 3

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Palmer welcomed him in and it was devastating for both to go through all the different injuries but then new information came in about the other kills.

Gibbs tried his best to keep calm he really did

But then he found that between serial killer and the fact he had disappointed his food monster his anger soon surfaced.

The tipping point happened when they had found the last of the bodies.

Even Torres had to contain his anger when he came to update

"We've found four bodies in the final house Gibbs"

"Okay all stabbed"

"Seems that way so far, but err"

"Err what Nick?" asked Quinn

"There was one which is of a child"

"How old?"

"8 they think"

Gibbs was holding his baseball bat mainly at the time to help him concentrate. But he slammed it down on the desk. Making everyone jump.

"This bastard is going to fry"

"Yes he will Gibbs, but we need all the evidence gathered and bodies are being flown in here as we speak" Vance said suddenly appearing

"Yes sir"

"So go home all of you, I have arranged extra help for Mr Palmer and Abby, so please go home sleep for a few hours and then you can pick this up first thing."

Gibb sighed

"Okay you heard him lets go home" looking at his watch it was coming up to 4am.

"Gibbs go, she'll appreciate you being there" whispered Quinn as she headed out, leaving a tired Gibbs behind his desk

He nodded and decided that yes that was a good plan.

He entered their house quietly and got in to bed. Food monster stirred and snuggled into him. He closed his eyes and sooner than expected sleep overtook and he was sound asleep.

Later that morning he awoke to a coffee being brought in

"When did you get in?"

"Just after 4, we were sent home by Vance."

"I have sorted cover for Caitlin so I can now work on this"

"Thanks" he said yawning and then sipping his coffee.

"You still look tired" she said softly

"Ah I feel it, hopefully we can have some time together when we close this one"

She smiled and soon they were back at work.

"Okay confirmed, he killed the 8 year old with a knife and Gibbs I'm sorry but he violated her too" said Quinn having offered to give him the update.

Gibbs stormed out

McGee and Torres followed him

"We better go and watch"


"He better not lose it"

"This is Gibbs we are talking about"

"I know it's just.. "

"Bishop you okay?"

"No Not really Alex"

"Now look you are both tired but talk to me."

"He forgot he was taking me out and I know we can rearrange but"

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