Realistic Part Of Me

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Don't you know now this is the perfect time?
We can make it right, hit the city lights

Then tonight, ease the loving pain
Let me take you to the max

I want to love you (P.Y.T)

Pretty young thing

"Quill!" Stephen greeted more cheerful than I had expected him to ever greet somebody. The guardians had just arrived for our wedding festivities. A bachelor and bachelorette party tonight, rehearsal dinner tomorrow, then wedding day the next. It was crazy how fast everything was happening and my stomach wasn't handling it as well as my head was. "So glad you guys could make it."

"We wouldn't miss this! Thor wouldn't have let us live it down."

"Tiny!" Thor shouted walking into the sanctum and lifting me up into a tight hug. He was still pretty big and according to Rocket looked less like melted ice cream. I could only assume that was a compliment coming from him. Thor and I got pretty acquainted during the blip. When Tony would go and visit him I would get to tag along though it would make my heart ache every time we went to go see him. It was nice to see him more uplifting. "I can't wait to see you get all dolled up and marry the best sorcerer."

"I'm happy you could make it, Thor. It's good to see you doing so well."

"Are you kidding? I'm joyous!" He lifted me up again and spun me around before dropping me into Drax. "And this is your beautiful daughter, America. Call me Uncle Thor." America was definitely confused by the furrowed eyebrows and odd smirk on her face but I couldn't help but laugh. "Bring it in!" Thor lifted her up and her contagious laugh started to ring through and it was music to my ears.

"America, darling, now that majority of everyone is here I think we should make introductions." I said taking her hand after Thor had put her down. It was adorable seeing him so happy to see me so happy. And be so welcoming to America as such. "This is Peter Quill aka Star-Lord, Mantis, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Drax, and Nebula. They are the Guardians of the Galaxy and partial Avengers." I informed as each of them shook her hand delicately.

"I am Groot."

"I am America."

"No no, he said it's nice to meet you. Groot here only speaks the same three words but they all mean different things every time he says it. Kind of like English and Asgardian."

"She knows how languages work, Rocket." Stephen spoke up after breaking free from a tight hug Mantis had forced upon him.

"I wasn't sure, she seemed to connect with the Asgardian moron so just figured I'd help." I rolled my eyes at him before making my way over to Stephen's side, still holding on to America. "So, when do I get to drink?"

"Seriously Rocket? That's not what we're here for. Our good friend is getting married to the pretty young thing standing beside him."

"You forgot my name didn't you?"

"It does seem that way considering he only managed to call you by everything but that." Drax chimed in and I could sense America's confusion growing more just at the tone of his voice. They weren't exactly the brightest group but they were still a hell of a lot of fun.

"It's Jodie, Quill. Jodie. Don't forget or I'll start calling you Quail permanently." I threatened with my finger pointing towards him. "Maybe I'll turn you into one." Peter put his hands up cowardly and backed away behind Nebula. "We're just waiting on a few more people and then we can disperse between parties. Pepper should be here within the next hour with Morgan and Happy along with Rhodey."

Stephen leaned his head down close to my ear and I tilted myself so I could hear him. "Are you sure you want to stay home?" I know he felt guilty about him and the guys going out rather than myself but lately I've been feeling drained but still wanted to have my last hoorah as an unmarried woman even if it is at the Sanctum.

"I'm perfectly okay with it." I gave him a reassuring kiss before he gathered everyone and showed them to where they'd be staying. There wasn't exactly a ton of room in this sanctum for people to stay which is why the guardians or Thor rarely ever visited for long periods of time. Since we had so many guests, we had to split it accordingly. Peter, Drax, Rocket, and Groot were all going to stay in Wong's room. Nebula and Mantis were going to stay in America's room with Pepper and Morgan literally bringing a bed to put in the library. Apparently Tony made an easy pocket bed to take with them for camping trips so she figured might as well use it here. Luckily the library was cleaned for the most part. And Thor requested to sleep on the couch in the living area. When asked why he would say it was to guard the sanctum but really it was because the snacks were in close proximity.

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