Chapter 0

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Angelica Munson was abandoned, along with her brother, shortly after she was born. Their dads were never really in the picture, so there wasn't enough money to go around. According to their uncle Wayne, their mama was a waitress working double shifts at a nearby diner. She could barely afford a babysitter to watch the young Munsons. Every babysitter only lasted a couple weeks. Turns out, looking after a five year-old and a toddler is hard work. Eventually, she just gave up and dropped the two off at their uncle's doorstep with no more than a couple blankets and a ring of the doorbell.

She's always been comfortable living with her uncle Wayne. Its not like she remembers times where things were different. Eddie says he does, always telling her stories of their wonderful life with their mom. When, in reality, he doesn't remember their mama either, but he wants Angie to believe she was more than a mother who dropped their kids off when things got too hard.

Eddie's always been protective of his little sis. It was inserted into his mind at a young age, by the random teenagers looking after them constantly and a mom that wasn't really around. He never really cared what people said about him being a "freak" or "trailer trash" or someone that was abandoned by his parents that didn't want him. He always tried to shield her from that aspect of his life, but when people started saying harsh things like that to Angie, he knew he had to do something. So Eddie sat her down on her bed one night and told her, "No matter what the world throws at you, and it'll throw some terrible shit at you, you brush it off and move forward... People are gonna say shit about us because of our pasts, but that doesn't define anything about you. When somebody says something like that to you, I want you to flip em the bird and tell em to fuck off because you're Angelica fucking Munson and you're proud of it."

She's remembered that every day since, and its pretty easy to see...

"Hey look, its Freak Two. What'd you do last night? I can't imagine their being many options considering you live in a trailer park with no parents."

"Well, actually Tommy, your mom came."


"Yeah, a few times actually. It was quite loud, too. Hope I didn't wake the neighbors."

That little stunt, among others, put her at the top of Tommy's hit list her freshman year. And that's where she's stayed for the past year and a half with Tommy still pining to make her life miserable. Although, eventually, he roped Steve "The Hair" Harrington into the mix, making Angie's day even more entertaining by giving her another person to make flustered.

Angie couldn't care less about popularity. Almost immediately after starting middle school, people decided that her heterochromia wasn't cool anymore, it was weird. Instantly, she lost any form of popularity she could've had. But apparently she was still considered hot, so they would still hit on her. They were back-handed compliments though, like, "You're hot as fuck. I'd totally date you if you weren't such a freak." She didn't mind though, because she still had her brother, they got to go through it together. Maybe that was the fun of it. Angie had plenty of people leave: her dad, her mom, all of her friends after finding out her living situations, but never Eddie. He was so much more than her older brother, Eddie was her best friend, her other half, the one that never left.

Eventually they roped in a few other outcasts and started the Hellfire Club. Basically just a cool name for a bunch of nerds that play D&D, but it was her home. They did have a band, The Corroded Coffin, God she hated that name, but that soon came to an end when the remaining members decided they were too popular to be in a band with freaks.

Angie was fully-content with her life as a freak. That was until she managed to get sucked into a party of nerds and their families (including Steve "The Hair" Harrington) and their fight for the future of Hawkins. She would never be the same after their battles with creatures from The Upside Down, a parallel horror she never could've imagined...

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